
How to: Create Bins

The most effective way to create the bins of your warehouse is to generate groups of similar bins in the bin creation worksheet, but you can also create your bins individually from the location card. You can also use a function in the Bin Creation Worksheet window to create bins automatically.

To create a bin from the location card

  1. Choose the Search for Page or Report icon, enter Locations, and choose the related link.
  2. Select the location that you want to create a bin from, and then choose the Bins action.
  3. Choose the New action.
  4. Fill in the fields as necessary. Choose a field to read a short description of the field or link to more information.

To create bins individually in the bin creation worksheet

  1. Choose the Search for Page or Report icon, enter Bin Creation Worksheet, and choose the related link.
  2. Fill in on each line the fields that are necessary to name and characterize the bins you are creating.
  3. Choose the Create Bins action.

To make bins automatically in the bin creation worksheet

Before you start creating bins automatically, you should determine the kind of bins that are essential for your operations, as well as the most practical flow of items through the physical structure of your warehouse.


As soon as you use a bin, you cannot delete it unless it is empty. But if you want to use another bin-naming system, you can use the reclassification journal to in effect move your items to a new bin system. This process is manual and takes time, however, so it is best to set up your bins correctly from the start.

To work with the Bin Creation Worksheet window, you must be set up as a warehouse employee at the location where the bins exist. For more information, see How to: Set Up Warehouse Employees.

  1. Choose the Search for Page or Report icon, enter Bin Creation Worksheet, and then choose the related link.

  2. Choose the Calculate Bins action.

  3. In the Calculate Bins window, in the Bin Template Code field, select the bin template that you want to use as the model for the bins you are creating.

  4. Fill in a description for the bins you are in the process of creating.

  5. To create the bin codes, fill in the From No. and To No. fields in the three categories shown in the window: Rack, Section,, and Level. The bin code can contain up to 20 characters.


    The number of characters that you have entered in the three categories for either field, for example, the characters you have entered in the three From No. fields, plus the field separators, if any, must be 20 or less.

    You can use letters in the code as an identifying combination, but the letter you use must be the same in the From No. and To No. fields. For example, you might define the Rack part of the code as From No. A01 and To No. A10. The program is not set up to generate codes with letter sequences, for example, from A01 to F05.

  6. If you want a character, such as a hyphen, to separate the category fields you have defined as part of the bin code, fill in the Field Separator field with this character.

  7. If you want the program not to create a line for a bin if it exists already, select the Check on Existing Bin field.

  8. When you have finished filling in the fields, choose the OK Button.

    The program creates a line for each bin in the worksheet. You can now delete some of the bins, for example, if you have a rack with a passageway through the first two levels of a couple of sections.

  9. When you have deleted all unnecessary bins, choose the Create Bins action, and the program will create bins for each line in the worksheet.

Repeat the process for another set of bins until you have created all the bins in your warehouse.

See Also

Dynamics 365 Business Central
Warehouse Management
Setting Up Warehouse Management
Assembly Management
Design Details: Warehouse Management
Working with Dynamics NAV