
How to: Create Production Order Headers

You can create a production order manually, and the first step is to create a production order header.

Production orders are typically created automatically by a planning function to fulfill a known demand. For more information, see Planning.

In the following procedure, a firm planned production order is created. You can also create production orders with a different status.

To create a production order header

  1. Choose the Search for Page or Report icon, enter Firm Planned Prod. Orders, and then choose the related link.

  2. Choose the New action.

  3. In the No. field, insert the next number in the series.

  4. In the Source Type field, select the source of the production order.

    Here you can select to produce for a family of items. For more information, see How to: Work With Production Families.

  5. In the Source No. field, select the item number, family, or sales header for which the production order is to be generated.

  6. Fill in the Quantity and Due Date fields according to your specifications.

When production requirements change, such as components or operations, you can quickly replan the production order. For more information, see How to: Replan or Refresh Production Orders Directly.

See Also

Dynamics 365 Business Central
Setting Up Manufacturing
Working with Dynamics NAV