
Configure IFD settings


Applies To: Dynamics 365 (on-premises), Dynamics CRM 2016

Using the PowerShell Get-CrmSetting and Set-CrmSetting cmdlets you can update the settings in your Microsoft Dynamics 365 deployment. One of the types of settings you can change is for an Internet-facing deployment (IFD).


To set up the Microsoft Dynamics 365 PowerShell cmdlets, see Administer the deployment using Windows PowerShell.


You can use the following script to update settings for an Internet-facing deployment (IFD). You must specify the following parameters:

DiscoveryWebServiceRootDomain – The discovery Web service domain.

Enabled - A Boolean that indicates whether Internet-facing deployment (IFD) is enabled.

ExternalDomain - The external domain value for IFD.

OrganizationWebServiceRootDomain -The organization Web service domain.

WebApplicationRootDomain -The Web application server domain.


    #optional params

$RemoveSnapInWhenDone = $False

if (-not (Get-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.Crm.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
    Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Crm.PowerShell
    $RemoveSnapInWhenDone = $True

$IfdSettings = Get-CrmSetting -SettingType IfdSettings

if($DiscoveryWebServiceRootDomain) {$IfdSettings.DiscoveryWebServiceRootDomain = $DiscoveryWebServiceRootDomain}
if($ExternalDomain) {$IfdSettings.ExternalDomain = $ExternalDomain}
if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Enabled')) {$IfdSettings.Enabled = $Enabled}
if($OrganizationWebServiceRootDomain) {$IfdSettings.OrganizationWebServiceRootDomain = $OrganizationWebServiceRootDomain}
if($WebApplicationRootDomain) {$IfdSettings.WebApplicationRootDomain = $WebApplicationRootDomain}

Set-CrmSetting -Setting $IfdSettings


    Remove-PSSnapin Microsoft.Crm.PowerShell

See Also

Administer the deployment using Windows PowerShell
Update deployment configuration settings

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