
Microsoft Dynamics 365 deployment properties


Applies To: Dynamics 365 (on-premises), Dynamics CRM 2016

The Microsoft Dynamics 365Properties dialog box displays information about the deployment and lets you specify settings for Web Address, License, and Usage Reporting.

Open the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Properties dialog box

You can open the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Properties dialog box in one of two ways:

  • In the Actions pane, click Properties.

  • In the console tree, right-click Microsoft Dynamics 365, and then click Properties.


You can implement some of the procedures described here by using a Windows PowerShell cmdlet. For more information, see Administering Microsoft Dynamics CRM by using Windows PowerShell.

In This Topic

General tab

Web Address tab

License tab

Usage Reporting tab

General tab

The General tab shows information about the Microsoft Dynamics 365 deployment

Web Address tab

Use the Web Address tab to set the Binding Type and to specify information for the Web Application Server, Organization Web Service, Discovery Web Service, and Deployment Web Service.


If you enter incorrect values in these fields, some users might not be able to access Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Enter Web Address information
  1. After opening the Microsoft Dynamics 365Properties dialog box, click the Web Address tab.

  2. Specify the Binding Type, either HTTP or HTTPS.


    • The Binding Typemust be set to HTTPS to use claims-based authentication.

    • The Deployment Manager does not configure the Microsoft Dynamics 365 website site to use HTTPS. The website must already be configured for HTTPS. For information about how to configure a website to use HTTPS, see the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager Help.

  3. In the boxes provided, enter the domain paths.

    For the domain paths, the values for the paths must be in the form:





    • server is the computer name

    • domain is the complete sub domain path where the computer is located

    • tld is the top level domain, such as com or org

    • The :port designation is required if you are not using the standard http port (80) or https port (443)

    Typically, in a Full Server or Front End Server role deployment, the path values are the same. However, if you deploy Microsoft Dynamics 365 on multiple servers with separate server roles, that is, where the Web Application Server, Organization Web Service, or Discovery Web Service server roles are located on different servers, these path values will be different:

    • Web Application Server. WebApplicationServerName.domain.tld:port

    • Organization Web Service. OrganizationWebServiceServerName.domain.tld:port

    • Discovery Web Service. DiscoveryWebServiceServerName.domain.tld:port

    • Deployment Web Service. DeploymentWebServiceServerName.domain.tld:port

    For more information about web addresses, see Install Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server on multiple computers in the Microsoft Dynamics 365Installing Guide.

Specify NLB and SSL header information
  1. At the bottom of the Web Address tab, click Advanced.

  2. In the NLB and SSL Header Information dialog box, specify if you are using network load-balancing (NLB) and the header for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) offloading system.

    Selecting The deployment uses an NLB sets Microsoft Dynamics 365 to configure Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) to use the encryption certificate to encrypt, decrypt, and sign the Microsoft Dynamics 365 session authentication cookies. The encrypted cookies can then be processed by any server in the NLB cluster.

    For information about procedures for loading and administering NLB on Windows Server, see the Network Load Balancing Manager Help on the Windows Server computer. For information about how to configure NLB in Windows Server 2008, see Network Load Balancing Deployment Guide.

  3. If you are using NLB, select The deployment uses an NLB.

  4. If you are using SSL offloading, in the SSL Header box, type the SSL header for the SSL offloading system.


    The SSL header is not a URL or domain. It is an agreed-on header value for the HTTP request that is configured on the device that is handling the SSL offloading. Review the SSL offloading device documentation for the header value.

  5. Click OK.

Configure domain names for IFD

To configure Microsoft Dynamics 365 for IFD, you must start Deployment Manager and run the Internet-Facing Deployment Configuration Wizard to add or revise the domain values. Depending on how you deployed the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Server role group or separate server role installation, and the configuration of each server in the NLB cluster, the Web Application Server Domain, Organization Web Service Domain, and Discovery Web Service Domain values use the NLB virtual cluster domain name. For example, if the Web Application Server is installed on an Internet-facing NLB cluster that has the FQDN virtual name crmcluster.contoso.com, enter contoso.com as the Web Application Server Domain value.

For more information about how to configure internal web address and external domain values, see Configure IFD for Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

License tab

After opening the Microsoft Dynamics 365Properties dialog box, click the License tab.

The License tab displays a summary of all Microsoft Dynamics 365 users that are configured in the deployment. For information about each of these client access license types, see CRM purchase plans.

The following information for all Microsoft Dynamics 365 users and their respective client access license (CAL) types is displayed:

  • Administrative Users. Shows the total number of Microsoft Dynamics 365 users configured as administrative users.

  • Professional CALs Required. Shows the total number of Microsoft Dynamics 365 users configured with the Professional client access license (CAL) in the deployment.

  • Basic CALs Required. Shows the total number of Microsoft Dynamics 365 users configured with the Basic CAL in the deployment.

  • Essential CALs Required. Shows the total number of Microsoft Dynamics 365 users configured with the Essential CAL in the deployment.

  • Server Licenses Required. Shows the total number of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Server licenses in the deployment.

The License tab also displays the product ID you can use to identify and validate your copy of Microsoft Dynamics 365 and a link to the Change Product Key dialog box. To change the product key, see Change the product key.

If the Deployment Manager cannot access one or more organizations, the license counts are shown as "Unavailable."


If a user is a member of multiple organizations and uses a different license in different organizations, the Deployment Manager reports that user as using the highest privilege level license. For example, if the user has a Full user license in one organization and a Limited license in another organization, that user is reported as using one Full license.

Users who have the Deployment Administrator role do not automatically become Microsoft Dynamics 365 users and do not consume a CAL.

Usage Reporting tab

On the Usage Reporting tab, indicate whether you want to allow organizations in the deployment to participate anonymously in the Customer Experience Improvement Program. If you accept, each organization in the deployment can be configured to send data to Microsoft. If you decline for the entire deployment, no organization is able to send data, regardless of the organization's usage reporting setting.

Allow usage reporting
  1. After you open the Microsoft Dynamics 365Properties dialog box, click the Usage Reporting tab.

  2. Select the Allow organizations to participate anonymously in the Customer Experience Improvement Program option.

For information about the Customer Experience Improvement Program, see Microsoft Customer Experience Improvement Program.

See Also

Configure claims-based authentication
Configure an Internet-facing deployment
Change the product key

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