
How to: View Model Information

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

As you develop for Microsoft Dynamics AX, it can be useful to see details about models. The following sections discuss several ways you can see model information in the Development Workspace.

Viewing Installed Models

To view installed models

  1. Open the Development Workspace. See How to: Open a Development Workspace for more information.

  2. Choose Tools > Model management > Models installed. The Models installed window opens.

  3. View the details about the models that are installed.

  4. Click Close.

Listing Model Elements

To list model elements

  1. Open the Development Workspace.

  2. Choose Tools > Model management > Models elements. The Model elements window opens. This window lists all elements of the models that are installed for Microsoft Dynamics AX.


    The Page Up and Page Down keys are helpful when you browse this large list.

  3. Click Close.

Displaying Model Information in AOT Nodes

To display model information in AOT nodes

  1. Open the Development Workspace.

  2. Choose Tools > Options.

  3. Click Development to display the options for the Development Workspace.

  4. Expand the Application object tree group.

  5. Set the Application object model. Choose one of the following values:

    • Show no models

    • Show on all elements

    • Show on elements in current layer only

    • Show on elements in current model only

  6. Click Close.

Announcements: New book: "Inside Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3" now available. Get your copy at the MS Press Store.