
(IND) Approve an EPCG license


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Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

Before you can assign an Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) incentive license to import and export orders, you must approve it. To approve an EPCG license, you assign exportable items and vendors to the EPCG license. You also set up export obligation periods and add bank guarantee details for the EPCG license.

  1. Click General ledger > Common > EXIM EPCG Schemes. Open an EPCG scheme that has a status of Created.

  2. In the EXIM EPCG Schemes form, on the Overview FastTab, click Functions > Approve.

  3. In the Approval EPCG schemes form, on the Authorization information FastTab, in the License number field, enter the EPCG license number that was assigned to your organization. Enter information in the remaining fields in the Approval details and Currency field groups.

  4. In the Export obligation field group, enter the license details for importing and exporting items for the EPCG incentive scheme.

  5. On the menu bar, click Exportable items.

  6. In the Exportable items form, select the items that qualify for export under the terms of the EPCG incentive license, and then close the form.

  7. In the Approval EPCG schemes form, click Export obligation period.

  8. In the Create export obligation periods form, click New. Enter a description of the export obligation period. By default, the period interval is years. Enter the remaining details for the export obligation period.


    The sum of the periods in the Units field must equal the total obligation period that you select in the Approval EPCG schemes form. Also, the percentage for all periods must be less than or equal to 100.

  9. Close the Create export obligation periods form.

  10. In the Approval EPCG schemes form, click Vendor details.

  11. In the Vendor details form, select the vendors from whom you will be importing items for the EPCG incentive scheme.

  12. Close the Vendor details form.

  13. In the Approval EPCG schemes form, click Bank guarantee details.

  14. In the Bank guarantee details form, enter the guarantee information for the bank that you use to pay for imported items.

  15. In the Approval EPCG schemes form, click OK.

The EPCG license is approved only under the following conditions:

  • The value for the remaining percentage is zero in the Create export obligation periods form.

  • The total value of the units is equal to the value of the total export obligation in the Create export obligation periods form.

  • The export obligation amount in the Approval EPCG schemes form is equal to the value in the Total export obligation amount field in the Create export obligation periods form.

  • The value in the Obligation period field in the Approval EPCG schemes form is equal to the value in the Total export obligation period field in the Create export obligation periods form.

See also

(IND) About the EXIM Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) incentive scheme

(IND) Create a primary EPCG license

(IND) Approval EPCG schemes (form)