
Download sales orders from an online store


This content is archived and is not being updated. For the latest documentation, see Microsoft Dynamics 365 product documentation. For the latest release plans, see Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform release plans.

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

This topic describes how to download orders that were entered in an online store to generate sales orders in Microsoft Dynamics AX. When customers place orders for products in your online stores, you must complete the following steps to pull the transactions into Microsoft Dynamics AX to process the orders:

  1. Run the distribution schedule P-job to pull transactions from the online store into Microsoft Dynamics AX.

  2. Run the Synchronize online orders process to generate sales orders so that the sales orders can be processed and invoiced, and the products can be picked, packed, and shipped to the customer.

You can run these processes manually or you can set them up as a batch process to run automatically on a regular basis. For more information about how to set up batch processes, see Batch processing overview.


In AX 2012 R3 with Retail: When orders for physical gift cards are processed from the online store, you must select options in the additional Gift card fields in the Sales order form before you can complete the sales order. Electronic gift cards are processed automatically when the sales order is invoiced. (The Gift card fields are on the Packing tab on the Line details FastTab in the Sales order form.)

To download sales orders from an online store, follow these steps:

  1. Click Retail > Periodic > Data distribution > Distribution schedule.

  2. In the Distribution schedule form, do the following:

    1. In the left pane, select the job P-0001 Channel transactions.

    2. To run the job manually, click Run now.

    3. If you are running this job as a batch, click Create batch job. Then, in the dialog box, select the Batch processing check box, select a Batch group, and then click OK to run the job.

  3. Click Retail > Periodic > Synchronize online orders.

  4. In the Synchronize online orders job form, do one of the following:

    • Accept the fields as they appear by default and then click OK to run the job.

    • If you are running this job as a batch, select the Batch processing check box, select a batch group, and then click OK to run the job.

  5. Click Sales and marketing > Common > Sales orders > All sales orders. On the All sales orders list page, select the sales orders that were downloaded from the online store and process them.

    For more information about how to process sales orders, see Sales orders overview.

See also

About online stores