Resources Table
The Resources table defines actual instances of resources. Together with the ResourceProps, SiteResources, and Sites tables, this table stores the data for the Administration database.
Entries in the Resources table have a one-to-many relationship with entries in the ResourceProps table.
The following table describes the columns of the Resources table.
Do not modify the definition of this table for any reason. It is described here for reference.
Column |
Description |
i_ResourceID |
An integer that identifies a resource in this table. Values in this column correspond to the values in the i_ResourceID columns in the pupscrcripts, ResourceProps, and SiteResources tables. |
s_DisplayName |
A string that stores the programmatic name for the resource, as used when you access the resource through the Fields property of the GlobalConfigFreeThreaded, GlobalConfig2FreeThreaded, SiteConfigFreeThreaded, and SiteConfigReadOnlyFreeThreaded objects. |
s_Description |
A string that stores the user-friendly name for the resource. |
s_Type |
A string that indicates the type of this resource. This column maps to the s_ResourceType columns in the SystemProps and ExtendedProps tables. |
f_IsGlobal |
A flag that indicates whether a resource is global (1) or site-specific (0). |
f_ResourceFlags |
The values in this column are bit fields that store information about many Boolean characteristics of resources. Commerce Server Manager and Commerce Server Site Packager examine these characteristics to determine how each resource should be treated. The bits are defined as follows:
s_ProgIDSnapIn |
A string that provides the ProgID of a snap-in extension for this resource. The snap-in extension must implement the IDispatch interface. Bit 0x00000004 of the f_ResourceFlags column should be set when this column has a value. |
s_Computer |
A string that optionally shows the name of the computer where Commerce Server 2009 is installed. |
i_Status |
This column is currently not used. |
f_PupFlags |
When set to zero (0), tells Commerce Server Site Packager that the name passed when packaging and unpacking is a file name. When set to one (1), tells Commerce Server Site Packager that the name passed when packaging and unpacking is a folder name. |
s_ProgIDPUP |
A string that provides the ProgID of a COM component that implements the Commerce Server Site Packager (IPuP) interface. For more information, see Site Packager Interface. |
s_PupParam1 |
A string that contains a comma-delimited list of names of the database tables to be packaged and unpacked for the resource. |
s_PupParam2 |
A string that contains a comma-delimited list of the names of the SQL schema scripts to execute when importing the resource. |
s_PupParam3 |
A string that contains a comma-delimited list of the names of the SQL scripts to execute when you delete the resource. |