Advanced Web Log Import Properties, Log Files Tab
Use the Advanced Web Log Import Properties dialog box, Log Files tab, to do the following:
Eliminate redundancy that can occur when log files contain requests that overlap in time.
Eliminate redundancy or the loss of data that can occur when log files are rotated among servers to keep the log files from becoming too large.
Important Note: |
After configuring the Log Files tab, you must run the Configuration synchronization DTS task to synchronize your site configuration with the Data Warehouse before importing data into the Data Warehouse. |
Use this |
To do this |
Number of minutes that records must overlap |
Type the number of minutes that records in the log files must overlap. The default overlap is 30 minutes. |
If overlap is detected |
Select an action to take if log files overlap by more than the overlap minutes specified:
When import is completed |
Select an action to take with the open visits at the end of your import process:
Clear Cache |
Click to clear the cache of stored data. |
Important Note: |
If you do not specify time overlap and log file rotation settings, it is impossible to import log files into the Data Warehouse without losing activity data because log files are continually created as your site operates. The files may contain data for overlapping time periods if you run log files on separate servers, interrupt and resume logging on a single server, accidentally re-import a log file, or concatenate distinct log files. |