Appendix 1: Table of Error Code Strings (Windows Server AppFabric Caching)
Caching error messages in Windows Server AppFabric contain an error code string and an error substatus string. This appendix provides a connection between the error messages and the constants that developers can use to handle these errors.
The following error message is an example of what you might see in an application log of a cache-enabled application:
ErrorCode <ERRCA0017>:SubStatus<ES0006>:There is a temporary failure. Please retry later. (One or more specified Cache servers are unavailable, which could be caused by busy network or servers. Ensure that security permission has been granted for this client account on the cluster and that the AppFabric Caching Service is allowed through the firewall on all cache hosts. Retry later.)
Although this error message explains the problem, it does not tell developers the exact type of DataCacheException object that is being generated. In this case, the DataCacheException object has an ErrorCode property that has a value of RetryLater and a SubStatus property that has a value of CacheServerUnavailable. This allows the developer to use exception handling to take a more specific action in response to this error, such as retrying the call. It also allows the IT Professional to find more information about the error. For this example error message, there is more detailed help in the following section of this document: RetryLater (CacheServerUnavailable) (Windows Server AppFabric Caching).
For more information about AppFabric caching error handling, see Handling Errors. For guidance about how to troubleshoot several common caching errors, see Application Exceptions (Windows Server AppFabric Caching) in this document.
The following table connects error code strings with error code constants in the DataCacheErrorCode class.
Error code string | DataCacheErrorCode constant |
ERRCA0001 |
CacheItemVersionMismatch |
ERRCA0002 |
RegistryKeyOpenFailure |
ERRCA0003 |
InvalidArgument |
ERRCA0004 |
UndefinedError |
ERRCA0005 |
RegionDoesNotExist |
ERRCA0006 |
KeyDoesNotExist |
ERRCA0007 |
RegionAlreadyExists |
ERRCA0008 |
KeyAlreadyExists |
ERRCA0009 |
NamedCacheDoesNotExist |
ERRCA0010 |
MaxNamedCacheCountExceeded |
ERRCA0011 |
ObjectLocked |
ERRCA0012 |
ObjectNotLocked |
ERRCA0013 |
InvalidCacheLockHandle |
ERRCA0014 |
InvalidEnumerator |
ERRCA0015 |
NotificationInvalidationNotSupported |
ERRCA0016 |
ERRCA0017 |
RetryLater |
ERRCA0018 |
ERRCA0019 |
ClientServerVersionMismatch |
ERRCA0020 |
SerializationException |
ERRCA0021 |
ServerNull |
ERRCAdmin001 |
CacheAdminHostsRunning |
ERRCAdmin002 |
CacheAdminRequestTimeoutResultUnknown |
ERRCAdmin003 |
CacheAdminTimeout |
ERRCAdmin004 |
CacheAdminNullArgs |
ERRCAdmin005 |
CacheAdminUnknownError |
ERRCAdmin006 |
CacheAdminQuorumNotUp |
ERRCAdmin007 |
CacheAdminStoreAccessFailure |
ERRCAdmin008 |
CacheAdminHostsNotRunning |
ERRCAdmin009 |
CacheAdminCacheNotPresent |
ERRCAdmin010 |
CacheAdminHostNotPresent |
ERRCAdmin011 |
CacheAdminCacheAlreadyPresent |
ERRCAdmin012 |
CacheAdminRegionNotPresent |
ERRCAdmin013 |
CacheAdminNoQuorumIfHostStopped |
ERRCAdmin014 |
CacheAdminNoSeedNodes |
ERRCAdmin015 |
CacheAdminHostRunning |
ERRCAdmin016 |
CacheAdminHostNotRunning |
ERRCAdmin017 |
CacheAdminConfigDeleteHostError |
ERRCAdmin018 |
CacheAdminConfigAddHostError |
ERRCAdmin019 |
CacheAdminDefaultCacheCreateFailure |
ERRCAdmin020 |
CacheAdminDeleteInProgress |
ERRCAdmin021 |
CacheAdminCacheCreationInconsistencyFailure |
ERRCAdmin022 |
CacheAdminHostNameResolveFailure |
ERRCAdmin023 |
CacheAdminNoHosts |
ERRCAdmin024 |
CacheAdminClusterRefreshFailed |
ERRCAdmin025 |
CacheAdminClusterTimeout |
ERRCAdmin026 |
CacheAdminRemoteRegistryAccessFailed |
ERRCAdmin027 |
CacheAdminWindowsAccountInvalid |
ERRCAdmin028 |
CacheAdminWindowsAccountAlreadyPresent |
ERRCAdmin029 |
CacheAdminWindowsAccountNotPresent |
ERRCAdmin030 |
CacheAdminGrantClientAccountErrorFormat |
ERRCAdmin031 |
CacheAdminRevokeClientAccountErrorFormat |
ERRCAdmin032 |
CacheAdminInvalidOperation |
ERRCAdmin033 |
CacheAdminClusterNotReady |
ERRCAdmin034 |
CacheAdminHostRefreshFailed |
ERRPS001 |
CacheAdminClusterSettingsReadError |
ERRPS002 |
CacheAdminInvalidClusterSettings |
ERRPS003 |
CacheAdminMaxCachesCreated |
ERRPS004 |
CacheAdminPortsDuplicated |
ERRPS005 |
CacheAdminClusterDown |
ERRPS006 |
CacheAdminStatsIncorrect |
ERRPS007 |
CacheAdminInvalidSecuritySettings |
ERRPS008 |
CacheAdminInstallPathReadError |
ERRPS009 |
CacheAdminCacheNotCreated |
ERRPS010 |
CacheAdminCacheNotRemoved |
The following table connects error substatus strings with error substatus constants in the DataCacheErrorSubStatus class.
Error substatus string | DataCacheErrorSubStatus constant |
ES0001 |
None |
ES0002 |
ES0003 |
ES0004 |
ReplicationQueueFull |
ES0005 |
KeyLatched |
ES0006 |
ES0007 |
See Also
Windows Server AppFabric Caching Deployment and Management Guide