
Setting Up Windows Server AppFabric Caching Services in a Workgroup Environment

This topic describes the steps that you should take to install and configure the Windows Server AppFabric Caching Services feature on computers in a workgroup test environment.

To install and configure the AppFabric Caching Services feature on the first computer in the workgroup

  1. Go to the Microsoft Download Center (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=183123). Download the appropriate setup download package: WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_amd64_6.1.exe for 64-bit Windows 7 or WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x86_6.1.exe for 32-bit Windows 7.


    If you have already installed Hosting Services, you can click Start, point to All Programs, click Windows Server AppFabric, and then click Add or remove Features.


    If you have already installed Hosting Services, the installation wizard will skip the first two steps.

  2. On the Accept License Terms page, read the license terms, and then accept the terms and click Next to continue, or do not accept the terms and then exit the setup wizard.

  3. On the Customer Experience Improvement Program page, select Yes to participate in the Customer Experience Improvement program, or No not to participate, and then click Next.

  4. If you have already installed Hosting Services, click Add Features and then click Next.

  5. On the Feature Selection page, select Caching Services, Cache Client, and Cache Administration, and then click Next.

  6. On the Confirm Installation Selections page, confirm the components and features to be installed, and then click Install.

  7. On the Installation Results page of the configuration wizard, click Finish with the Launch configuration tool box check box not selected.

  8. Click Start, click All Programs, click Windows Server AppFabric, and then press SHIFT and right-click Configure AppFabric. Click Run as a different user. Enter MyWorkgroup\MyCachingAdmin and the password, and then click OK.


    You must run the configuration wizard with the MyCachingAdmin account with administrator privileges so you can change the Caching Service account.

  9. On the Before You Begin page and then on the Configure Hosting Services page, click Next.

  10. On the Configure Caching Service page, select Set Caching Service configuration.

  11. For Caching Service account, click Change. Click Custom account, click Browse, select the MyCachingUser account, click OK, enter the password, and then click OK.


    This account must exist on all computers participating in the cluster and use the same password for the account on all computers.

  12. In the Caching Service configuration provider box, select XML.

  13. In the File Share box, enter the computer name and share name for the file share that you created in the “Preparing Workgroup Computers for Installing AppFabric” topic for the XML file that will store caching configuration information. The path and name must be in the UNC format, i.e., \\<computer name>\<share name>. On this first computer that will contain the share, you can browse to it.

  14. Keep the default settings of New cluster selected and Cluster size set to Small (1-5 Machines). Click Next.

  15. On the Configure AppFabric Cache Node page, keep the default port settings, and select the Windows Server AppFabric: AppFabric Caching Service and Remote Service Management firewall exceptions. Click Next and then Yes.

  16. On the Configure Application page, click Finish.

  17. Open the Windows PowerShell console with the ApplicationServer module by clicking Start, clicking Control Panel, clicking Administrative Tools, and then double-clicking Windows PowerShell Modules.

  18. To start the cache cluster, execute the Use-CacheCluster cmdlet to determine the cluster that this computer can administer, and then execute the Start-CacheCluster cmdlet.

To install and configure the AppFabric Caching Services feature on subsequent computers in the workgroup

  1. Go to the Microsoft Download Center (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=183123). Download the appropriate setup download package: WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_amd64_6.1.exe for 64-bit Windows 7 or WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x86_6.1.exe for 32-bit Windows 7.


    If you have already installed Hosting Services, you can click Start, point to All Programs, click Windows Server AppFabric, and then click Add or remove Features.


    If you have already installed Hosting Services, the installation wizard will skip the first two steps.

  2. On the Accept License Terms page, read the license terms, and then accept the terms and click Next to continue, or do not accept the terms and then exit the setup wizard.

  3. On the Customer Experience Improvement Program page, select Yes to participate in the Customer Experience Improvement program, or No not to participate, and then click Next.

  4. If you have already installed Hosting Services, click Add Features and then click Next.

  5. On the Feature Selection page, select Caching Services, Cache Client, and Cache Administration, and then click Next.

  6. On the Confirm Installation Selections page, confirm the components and features to be installed, and then click Install.

  7. On the Installation Results page of the configuration wizard, click Finish with the Launch configuration tool box check box not selected.

  8. Click Start, click All Programs, click Windows Server AppFabric, and then press SHIFT and right-click Configure AppFabric. Click Run as administrator. Enter MyWorkgroup\MyCachingAdmin and the password, and then click OK.


    You must run the configuration wizard with the MyCachingAdmin account with administrator privileges so you can change the Caching Service account.

  9. On the Before You Begin page and then on the Configure Hosting Services page, click Next.

  10. On the Use-CacheCluster page, select Set Caching Service configuration.

  11. For Caching Service account, click Change, click Custom account, click Browse, select the MyCachingUser account, and then click OK.


    This account must exist on all computers participating in the cluster and use the same password for the account on all computers.

  12. In the Caching Service configuration provider box, select XML.

  13. In the File Share box, enter the computer name and share name for the file share created for the XML file that will store caching configuration information on the first computer added to the workgroup. The path and name must be in the UNC format, i.e., \\<computer name>\<share name>.

  14. Select Join cluster, and then select the cluster. Click Next.

  15. On the Configure AppFabric Cache Node page, keep the default port settings, and select the Windows Server AppFabric: AppFabric Caching Service and Remote Service Management firewall exceptions. Click Next and then Yes.

  16. On the Configure Application page, click Finish.

  17. To start the cache cluster, execute the Use-CacheCluster cmdlet to determine the cluster that this computer can administer, and then execute the Start-CacheCluster cmdlet.