

Community support for PowerShell on Linux

You can install PowerShell on some distributions of Linux that aren't supported by Microsoft. In those cases, you might find support from the community for PowerShell on those platforms.

Supported Linux distributions must meet the following criteria:

  • The version and architecture of the distribution is supported by .NET Core.
  • The version of the distribution is supported for at least one year.
  • The version of the distribution isn't an interim release or equivalent.
  • The PowerShell team has tested the version of the distribution.

For more information, see the PowerShell Support Lifecycle documentation.

The following distributions are examples of distributions supported by the community. Each distribution has its own community support mechanisms. Consult the distribution's website to find their community resources. You can also get help from these PowerShell Community resources.

Ubuntu interim releases

The documented steps to install PowerShell on Ubuntu might work on Ubuntu interim releases. However, Microsoft only supports PowerShell on the Long Term Servicing (LTS) releases of Ubuntu. Microsoft doesn't support interim releases of Ubuntu.

Arch Linux

PowerShell is available from the Arch Linux User Repository (AUR). Packages in the AUR are maintained by the Arch community. To install the latest release binary, see the Arch Linux wiki or Using PowerShell in Docker.


Installation - Kali

# Install PowerShell package
apt update && apt -y install powershell

# Start PowerShell

Uninstallation - Kali

# Uninstall PowerShell package
apt -y remove powershell


You can install PowerShell on Gentoo Linux using packages from the Gentoo package repository. For information about installing these packages, see the PowerShell page in the Gentoo wiki.

SLES and openSUSE

You may be able to install PowerShell on SLES and openSUSE using the SNAP package manager. Also, the following article provides information on how to install PowerShell on openSUSE:

Raspberry Pi OS

Raspberry Pi OS (formerly Raspbian) is a free operating system based on Debian.


.NET isn't supported on ARMv6 architecture devices, including Raspberry Pi Zero and Raspberry Pi devices released before Raspberry Pi 2.

Install on Raspberry Pi OS

Download the tar.gz package from the releases page onto your Raspberry Pi computer. The links to the current versions are:

  • PowerShell 7.4 - latest LTS release
  • PowerShell 7.5 - latest stable release

Use the following shell commands to download and install the package. This script detects whether you're running a 32-bit or 64-bit OS and installs the latest stable version of PowerShell for that processor type.

# Prerequisites

# Update package lists
sudo apt-get update

# Install dependencies
sudo apt-get install jq libssl1.1 libunwind8 -y

# Download and extract PowerShell

# Grab the latest tar.gz
bits=$(getconf LONG_BIT)
release=$(curl -sL
package=$(echo $release | jq -r ".assets[].browser_download_url" | grep "linux-arm${bits}.tar.gz")
wget $package

# Make folder to put powershell
mkdir ~/powershell

# Unpack the tar.gz file
tar -xvf "./${package##*/}" -C ~/powershell

# Start PowerShell

Optionally, you can create a symbolic link to start PowerShell without specifying the path to the pwsh binary.

# Start PowerShell from bash with sudo to create a symbolic link
sudo ~/powershell/pwsh -command 'New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path "/usr/bin/pwsh" -Target "$PSHOME/pwsh" -Force'

# alternatively you can run following to create a symbolic link
# sudo ln -s ~/powershell/pwsh /usr/bin/pwsh

# Now to start PowerShell you can just run "pwsh"

Uninstallation - Raspberry Pi OS

rm -rf ~/powershell