


This cmdlet enables you to track the progress of a SharePoint page's copy operation.


   -DestinationSite <SpoSitePipeBind>
   -WorkItemId <Guid>


After this cmdlet is executed, you'll receive the following information:

Property Description
ErrorMessage The error message if there is an error.
JobState The state of the job.
NewPageUrl The URL of the new page if the copy is already finished.
SourcePageName The name of the source page to copy. Will be empty.
StatusMessage The message to describe the status.
WorkItemId The work item id to track the status of the copy job if the copy job is in progress.

The following table explains the copy job's state:

Status Explanation
Queued The copy operation was queued for execution.
CreateAssetsFolderStart We've started creating a folder to place all associated assets used on this page.
CreateAssetsFolderEnd We've finished creating a folder to place all associated assets used on this page.
CopyAssetsStart We've started copying associated assets used on this page.
CopyAssetsEnd We've finished copying associated assets used on this page.
CreatePageStart We've started creating a new page.
CreatePageEnd We've finished creating a new page.
Succeeded The copy operation was successful.
Deleting The copy operation was deleted.
Failed The copy operation failed.
JobNotFound The copy operation wasn't found.


-----------------------EXAMPLE 1-----------------------------

Get-SPOPersonalSitePageCopyProgress -DestinationSite '' -WorkItemId 1a95eb18-f68d-4dd4-9aaf-b47cf05cf02a

Example 1 shows how a SharePoint Administrator can check the status of a copy operation using a work item ID.



Specifies the URL of the destination SharePoint site to which the SharePoint page has been copied to.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False
Applies to:SharePoint Online


Specifies the GUID of the work item created for the copy job if it is asynchronous.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False
Applies to:SharePoint Online