
hpcpack create

Packages the specified folder or files in a format that can be uploaded to a Windows Azure storage account. The files are packaged in an Open Packaging Convention (OPC) format or as a ZIP file.

This command was introduced in HPC Pack 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1 and is not supported in previous versions.


hpcpack create <packageName> <sourceFolder> [/d] [/0|/1|/9]   
hpcpack create <packageName> <sourceFile1, file2, file3,…> [/d] [/0|/1|/9]  
hpcpack create {/? | /help}  


Parameter Description
<packageName> Specifies the name of the package (the output OPC file). This must be the same as the service name when packaging SOA services, or as the XLL when packaging XLLs.

The file is created relative to the current folder unless you specify an absolute path. For example: C:\WindowsAzurePackages\myPackage.zip.

If you specify the path, file name, and extension of an existing file, that file is replaced.
<folder> or <file list> Specifies a folder or a comma-separated list of files that you want to include in the package.
/d Use this parameter if you specify a folder and do not want to include the subfolders.
[/0|/1|/9] Specifies the level of compression. Compression options are as follows:

- /0 Compression is turned off (default).
- /1 Compression is optimized for balance between size and performance.
- /9 Compression is optimized for size.

This parameter was introduced in HPC Pack 2008 R2 with Service Pack 3 and is not supported in previous versions.
/? Displays Help at the command prompt.
/help Displays Help at the command prompt.


  • If you are packaging a SOA service:

    • You must include the service DLL, any dependent DLLs, and the service configuration files in the package.

    • The service assembly attribute in the service configuration file must specify the service DLL filename only (not the path).

    • The name of the package must be the name of the SOA service (that is, the service name that the SOA client specifies in the SessionStartInfo constructor). For example, serviceName.zip or serviceName_serviceVersion.zip.

  • If you are packaging an XLL file:

    • You must include the XLL and any dependent DLLs or files in the package.

    • The name of the package must be the name of the XLL file. For example, XLLName.zip.

  • When hpcsync deploys a package to the Windows Azure nodes, none of the extracted files can have a full path over 256 characters. The root directories where the extracted files are temporarily and then finally placed can take up to 136 characters, leaving 120 characters for the file name, subdirectories (if any), and the relativePath (if specified). If the path for the extracted files exceeds 256 characters, the package deployment fails.


To create a package for the Lizard files and save it to C:\WindowsAzurePkgs. The executable, supporting files, and input file are in a folder named C:\Lizard:

hpcPack create C:\WindowsAzurePkgs\lizard.zip C:\Lizard

To create a package for a SOA service named “myService.dll” and save it to C:\WindowsAzurePkgs, the service DLL and configuration files are in a folder C:\Services\myService:

hpcpack create C:\WindowsAzurePkgs\myService.zip C:\Services\myService

To create a package for an Excel XLL file named “myXLL.xll”. The XLL is in the current directory that you see in the command prompt (for example, C:\Users\myName>), and the package will be saved to the current directory:

hpcPack create myXLL.zip myXll.xll