
Web API Action Reference

Actions represent operations which may have observable side effects, such as creating or updating records. An Action may require parameters and may return a value. Actions may be bound to entity types.

In this section

Name Description
AddAppComponents Adds app components to a business app.
AddMembersTeam Adds members to a team.
AddPrincipalToQueue Adds the specified principal to the list of queue members.
AddPrivilegesRole Adds a set of existing privileges to an existing role.
AddRecurrence Adds recurrence information to an existing appointment.
AddRequiredDesktopFlowComponentsToSolutions Adds the required components for the Desktop Flow to all solutions the Desktop Flow is in.
AddRequiredUIElementCollectionComponentsToSolutions Add the required components for the UI Element Collection to all solutions the UI Element Collection is in.
AddSolutionComponent Adds a solution component to an unmanaged solution.
AddToFeedbackLoop API to add a feedback loop item to a model.
AddToQueue Moves an entity record from a source queue to a destination queue.
AddUserToRecordTeam Adds a user to the auto created access team for the specified record.
AIClassify Classifies/Categorizes the text into one of the provided categories using AI builder GPT action.
AIExtract Extracts user-defined data points from provided text using AI builder GPT action.
AIModelPublish Create or update a custom model.
AIReply Drafts a response to the given text using AI builder GPT action
AISentiment Detect the sentiment of the given text using AI builder GPT action (positive, negative, or neutral)
AISummarize Summarizes the given text using AI builder GPT action.
AISummarizeRecord Summarizes the given entity record using AI builder GPT action.
AITranslate Translate text to English using AI.
AlmHandler Synchronizes models in the AI Builder backend.
Analyze Initiates process mining for the process to generate analytics on the associated data.
AnalyzeSentiment Analyzes sentiments.
ApplyRecordCreationAndUpdateRule Applies record creation and update rules to activities in Dataverse created as a result of the integration with external applications.
AutoMapEntity Generates a new set of attribute mappings based on the metadata.
BackgroundSendEmail Send email messages asynchronously.
BatchGetFlowMachineStatus Returns the current connection status for the stated machines.
BatchPrediction Runs batch prediction on an AI Model.
Book Schedules or 'books' an appointment, recurring appointment, or service appointment (service activity).
BulkDelete Submits a bulk delete job that deletes selected records in bulk. This job runs asynchronously in the background without blocking other activities.
BulkDetectDuplicates Submits an asynchronous system job that detects and logs multiple duplicate records.
BulkRetain Marks records for retention based on the criteria.
CalculatePrice Calculates price in an opportunity, quote, order, and invoice.
CanBeReferenced Checks whether the specified entity can be the primary entity (one) in a one-to-many relationship.
CanBeReferencing Checkes whether an entity can be the referencing entity in a one-to-many relationship.
CancelAllCloudFlowRuns Cancel all active runs for a Cloud Flow.
CancelDesktopFlowRun Cancel an ongoing desktop flow run.
CancelTraining Cancels the training of an AI model.
CanManyToMany Checks whether an entity can participate in a many-to-many relationship.
CardCreateClone Clones a card.
CardGetFullJson Retrieves the JSON for a card.
cascadeAsync_SuccessAPI Register a plug-in step on this message to be notified when an asynchronous cascade operation succeeds.
CategorizeText Categorizes text.
ClearWorkQueue Remove all items in the work queue.
CloneAsPatch Creates a solution patch from a managed or unmanaged solution.
CloneAsSolution Creates a new copy of an unmanged solution that contains the original solution plus all of its patches.
CloneMobileOfflineProfile For internal use only.
CommitAnnotationBlocksUpload Commits the uploaded data blocks to the annotation store.
CommitAttachmentBlocksUpload Commits the uploaded data blocks to the attachment store.
CommitFileBlocksUpload Commits the uploaded data blocks to the file store.
CompoundUpdateDuplicateDetectionRule Updates a duplicate rule (duplicate detection rule) and its related duplicate rule conditions.
ConvertOwnerTeamToAccessTeam Converts a team of type owner to a team of type access.
CopySystemForm Creates a new entity form that is based on an existing entity form.
CreateAsyncJobToRevokeInheritedAccess Creates an async job to correct inherited access.
CreateCustomerRelationships Creates a new customer lookup attribute, and optionally, to add it to a specified unmanaged solution.
CreateException Creates an exception for the recurring appointment instance.
CreateFlowMachineNetwork Triggers the creation of Flow Machine Network to be used for hosted bots.
CreateHostedFlowMachineGroup Creates a hosted machine group.
CreateInstance Creates future unexpanded instances for the recurring appointment master.
CreateKnowledgeArticleTranslation Creates translation of a knowledge article instance.
CreateKnowledgeArticleVersion Creates a major or minor version of a knowledge article instance.
CreateMultiple Creates multiple records of the same type in a single request.
CreateNPSUserRating Creates an NPS user rating.
CreatePolymorphicLookupAttribute Create a multi-table lookup column.
CreateRpaBox Creates an RPA box.
CreateWorkflowFromTemplate Creates a workflow (process) from a workflow template.
DeactivateEntityKey Deactivates an alternate key for a table.
DeleteAndPromote Replaces managed solution (A) plus all of its patches with managed solution (B) that is the clone of (A) and all of its patches.
DeleteAndPromoteAsync Asynchronously replaces managed solution (A) plus all of its patches with managed solution (B) that is the clone of (A) and all of its patches.
DeleteAuditData Deletes all audit data records up until a specified end date.
DeleteFile Deletes a stored binary file, attachment, or annotation.
DeleteFlowMachineGroup Deletes the bound flow machine group.
DeleteInstantPlugin Delete the instant plugin and corresponding custom api.
DeleteOpenInstances Deletes instances of a recurring appointment master that have an 'Open' state.
DeleteOptionValue Deletes an option value in a global or local option set.
DeleteRecordChangeHistory Deletes all audit change history records for a particular record.
DeliverImmediatePromoteEmail Delivers an email from an email client.
DeliverIncomingEmail Creates an email activity record from an incoming email message.
DeliverPromoteEmail Creates an email activity record from the specified email message
DeprovisionLanguage Deprovisions a language.
Dequeue Retrieve the next work queue item to be processed.
DetectLanguage Detects the language.
DownloadBlock Downloads a data block.
DownloadSolutionExportData Download the exported solution data.
ExecuteWorkflow Executes a workflow.
ExportMappingsImportMap Exports a data map as an XML formatted data.
ExportRetainedData Exports retained data to Excel
ExportSolution Exports a solution.
ExportSolutionAsync Exports a solution using an asynchronous job.
ExportTranslation Exports all translations for a specific solution to a compressed file.
ExtractKeyPhrases Extracts key phrases from text.
ExtractTextEntities Extracts entities from inputted text.
FullTextSearchKnowledgeArticle Performs a full-text search on knowledge articles in Dynamics 365 using the specified search text.
GenerateAutomatedPlugin Generates the automated plugin and corresponding SdkMessageProcessingStep.
GenerateInstantPlugin Generates the instant plugin and corresponding custom apis records.
GenerateSharedLink Generates a shareable link that grants access to the specified record for office collaboration.
GenerateSocialProfile Returns an existing social profile record if one exists, otherwise generates a new one and returns it.
GetAuditStorageDetails Retrieves Audit log storage details which provides an overview of which Dataverse tables consume how much log space.
GetAutoNumberSeed Returns the value set as the seed value for a specified table and column.
GetEntityLinkChatConfig For internal use only.
GetJobStatus Get the status of a job. The message status returned contains the correlation id and the organization id.
GetLinkedChats For internal use only.
GetNextAutoNumberValue Returns the value that will be assigned to the next record for a specified table and column based on the last autonumber used.
GetOrCreateSharedWorkspace Get existing sharedworkspace with matching name or create it if it does not exist.
GetPublicKey Returns the public key of a FlowMachineGroup of FlowGroupType Default.
GetTrackingTokenEmail Returns a tracking token that can then be passed as a parameter to the SendEmailRequest message.
GrantAccess Grants a security principal (user, team, or organization) access to the specified record.
GrantDelegatedAccess Grant delegated access to the table based on the provided delegated authorization.
ImmediateBook Books an appointment obeying the scheduling engine selected and resource availability. If the resources involved are available at the specified time, this operation creates new appointment record and returns a successful validation result. Otherwise, it returns a failed validation result.
ImportCardTypeSchema Imports and create a new cardtype required by the installed solution.
ImportFieldTranslation Imports translations from a compressed file.
ImportMappingsImportMap Imports the XML representation of a data map and create an import map (data map) based on this data.
ImportRecordsImport Submits an asynchronous job that uploads the transformed data into Microsoft Dynamics 365.
ImportSolution Imports a solution.
ImportSolutionAsync Imports a solution using an asynchronous job.
ImportTranslation Imports translations from a compressed file.
ImportTranslationAsync Imports translations from a compressed file asynchronously.
Ingest Initializes ingestion for a recording to prep it to be ready for labelling and process mining.
InitializeAnnotationBlocksDownload Initialize the download of one or more annotation data blocks.
InitializeAnnotationBlocksUpload Initializes annotation storage for receiving (uploading) one or more annotation data blocks.
InitializeAttachmentBlocksDownload Initializes the download of one or more attachment data blocks.
InitializeAttachmentBlocksUpload Initializes attachment storage for receiving (uploading) one or more attachment data blocks.
InitializeFileBlocksDownload Initializes the download of one or more binary data blocks.
InitializeFileBlocksUpload Initializes file storage for receiving (uploading) one or more binary data blocks.
InitializeModernFlowFromAsyncWorkflow For internal use only.
InsertOptionValue Inserts a new option value for a global or local option set.
InsertStatusValue Inserts a new option into a StatusAttributeMetadata attribute.
install Creates an endpoint for an individual user to invoke a flow with the necessary connections that are specific to the invoker.
InstallSampleData Installs the sample data.
InstantiateFilters Instantiates a set of filters for Dynamics 365 for Outlook for the specified user.
InstantiateTemplate Creates an email message from a template (email template).
IsPaiEnabled Checks whether AI Builder is enabled on a given environment.
IsPmEnabled Determines if the process mining feature is enabled.
JoinLinkedChat For internal use only.
LeaveGroup Leaves the curent flowmachinegroup and created a default flowmachinegroup for the bound flowmachine.
ListConnectionReferences List connections and connection references for a given desktop flow script
Merge Merges the information from two entity records of the same type.
ModifyAccess Replaces the access rights on the target record for the specified security principal (user, team, or organization).
msdyn_DeleteCalendar Deletes the inner calendar rules of a calendar on a selected entity as specified by the data in the CalendarEventInfo parameter.
msdyn_FixSLARelationshipsOnTargetEntities Fixes the cascade delete property of sla to target entity relationship by doing update SDK call.
msdyn_GetKAObjectFromTemplate Create a knowledge article from an existing knowledge article template.
msdyn_LoadCalendars Returns calendars for given LoadCalendarsInput.
msdyn_ManageSLAInstances Manages create and update of SLA instances on create/update of target entity record.
msdyn_MigrateSlaProactiveRun Runs a SLA migration Proactive Run for validation
msdyn_SaveCalendar Creates or updates calendar records on a selected entity, based on the inputs passed as the request
msdyn_SendEmailFromTemplate Sends an email from a template after action gets triggered.
msdyn_SLACustomTimeCalculationTemplate Register a plug-in step for this message to customize the calculation of the warning time and the failure time of SLA KPIs by enabling own custom time calculation.
msdyn_SLATimeCalculation Register a plug-in step to calculate the warning time and failure time for SLA kpi instance based on the input parameters.
NotifyEnvironmentVariableSecretChange Notifies dependent components in Dataverse about change made to KeyVault secret that is referenced in an environment variable of type secret. This API is limited to being called within a Power Automate Flow with trigger on Azure Event Grid that listens for KeyVault newSecretVersionCreated event and cannot be called directly in your code.
OnBackgroundOperationComplete A business event you can subscribe to in order to be notified when a background operation completes. You should not use this action directly.
OnExternalCreated Notifies Dataverse about a record that was created in an external system exposed as a virtual table in Dataverse.
OnExternalDeleted Notifies Dataverse about a record that was deleted in an external system exposed as a virtual table in Dataverse.
OnExternalUpdated Notifies Dataverse about a record that was updated in an external system exposed as a virtual table in Dataverse.
OrderOption Sets the order for an option set.
ParseImport Submits an asynchronous job that parses all import files that are associated with the specified import (data import).
PickFromQueue Assigns a queue item to a user and optionally remove the queue item from the queue.
Predict Uses AI to make a prediction.
PredictByReference Run real time prediction with reference to record to predict on.
PredictionSchema Gets the prediction schema.
ProvisionDelegation Provisions delegated authorization and team records for delegation (retrieves if they exists) and returns the team for use with delegated authorization.
ProvisionLanguage Provisions a new language.
ProvisionLanguageAsync Provisions a new language using a background job.
PublishAIConfiguration Publishes an AI configuration
PublishAllXml Publishes all changes to solution components.
PublishAllXmlAsync Publishes all changes to solution components asynchronously.
PublishDuplicateRule Submits an asynchronous job to publish a duplicate rule.
PublishTheme Publishes a theme and set it as the current theme.
PublishXml Publishes specified solution components.
PurgeRetainedContent Removes records that were successfully moved to the data lake.
PvaAuthorize For internal use only.
PvaCreateBotComponents For internal use only.
PvaCreateContentSnapshot For internal use only.
PvaDeleteBot For internal use only.
PvaGetDirectLineEndpoint For internal use only.
PvaGetFeatureControlSet For internal use only.
PvaGetMaxDatabaseVersion For internal use only.
PvaGetUserBots For internal use only.
PvaProvision For internal use only.
PvaPublish For internal use only.
PvaPublishStatus For internal use only.
PvaShareConnection For internal use only.
PvaStartConversation For internal use only.
QueryDvUnstructuredData Retrieves search results from a file given input text.
QueryExpressionToFetchXml Converts a QueryExpression query to its equivalent FetchXML query
QueueUpdateRibbonClientMetadata Queues UpdateRibbonClientMetadata to a background job.
QuickTest Uses AI to make a prediction.
ReactivateEntityKey Submit a new asynchronous system job to create the index for the key.
ReassignObjectsOwner Reassigns all records that are owned by the security principal (user, team, or organization) to another security principal (user, team, or organization).
ReassignObjectsSystemUser Reassigns all records that are owned by a specified user to another security principal (user, team, or organization).
Recalculate Recalculate system-computed values for rollup fields in the goal hierarchy.
RecognizeText Extracts text from a document.
RefreshRpaLicensingCapacity Refreshes Power Automate Desktop licensing capacity information for the current environment.
RegisterFlowMachine Registers a flowmachine to use with Desktop Flows direct connectivity.
ReleaseToQueue Assigns a queue item back to the queue owner so others can pick it.
RemoveAppComponents Removes a component from an app.
RemoveFromQueue Removes a queue item from a queue.
RemoveMembersTeam Removes members from a team.
RemoveParent Removes the parent for a system user (user) record.
RemovePrivilegeRole Removes a privilege from an existing role.
RemoveSolutionComponent Removes a component from an unmanaged solution.
RemoveUserFromRecordTeam Removes a user from the auto created access team for the specified record.
ReplacePrivilegesRole Replaces the privilege set of an existing role.
Reschedule Reschedules an appointment, recurring appointment, or service appointment (service activity).
ResetUserFilters Resets the offline data filters for the calling user to the default filters for the organization.
RestartHostedMachine Restarts Power Automate desktop hosted machine.
Restore (Preview) Restores a deleted record.
Retain Retain a single record.
RetrieveConnectorSettings For internal use only.
RetrieveEnvironmentVariableSecretValue Retrieves an environment variable secret value. This API is limited to being called within a Power Automate Flow and cannot be called directly in your code.
RevokeAccess Replaces the access rights on the target record for the specified security principal (user, team, or organization).
RevokeSharedLink Revokes an existing SharedLink. All users who clicked on the link will lose access.
RollbackRetain Rolls back a retain operation.
RotateGroupKey Triggers a rotation for the given flowmachine group key.
RouteTo Routes a queue item to a queue, a user, or a team.
RunDesktopFlow Trigger a new run of a desktop flow.
SaveAsDesktopFlow Creates a copy of an existing Desktop Flow.
SaveSettingValue Creates or updates app/organization level override.
SchedulePrediction Schedules a prediction for an AI model.
ScheduleRetrain Schedules retraining for an AI model.
ScheduleTraining Schedules training for an AI model.
searchautocomplete Provides autocompletion of input as the user enters text into a form field.
searchquery Provides a search results page.
searchsuggest Provides suggestions as the user enters text into a form field.
SendAppNotification Sends an app notification to the recipient.
SendBulkMail Sends bulk email messages.
SendEmail Sends an e-mail message.
SendEmailFromTemplate Sends an e-mail message to a recipient using an e-mail template.
SendFax Sends a fax.
SendTemplate Sends a bulk email message that is created from a template.
SetAutoNumberSeed Sets the initial seed value that will be used for an autonumber column.
SetBusinessSystemUser Moves a system user (user) to a different business unit.
SetDataEncryptionKey Sets or restore the data encryption key.
SetFeatureStatus For internal use only.
SetLocLabels Sets localized labels for a limited set of entity attributes.
SetParentSystemUser Sets a new parent system user (user) for the specified user.
SetParentTeam Sets the parent business unit of a team.
SetProcess Sets the process that associates with a given target entity. The user can set to another business process or specify null to clear out the current process.
SetReportRelated Links an instance of a report entity to related entities.
Share Shares the process with targets.
StageAndUpgrade Imports a solution, stages it for upgrade, and applies the upgrade as the default (when applicable).
StageAndUpgradeAsync Asynchronously imports a solution, stages it for upgrade, and applies the upgrade as the default (when applicable).
StageSolution Stage the solution for upgrade.
SyncBulkOperation Performs bulk operations to cancel, resume, or pause workflows.
Train Trains a new model.
TransformImport Submits an asynchronous job that transforms the parsed data.
TriggerDesktopFlowRunCallback Trigger a callback request of a desktop flow run.
TriggerServiceEndpointCheck Validates the configuration of a Microsoft Azure Service Bus solution's service endpoint.
UninstallSampleData Uninstalls the sample data.
UninstallSolution For internal use only.
UninstallSolutionAsync Uninstalls a solution using an asynchronous job.
UnpublishAIConfiguration Unpublishes an AI configuration.
UnpublishDuplicateRule Submits an asynchronous job to unpublish a duplicate rule.
UnschedulePrediction Unschedules batch prediction on an AI model.
UnscheduleTraining Unschedules training for an AI Model.
UpdateAccountCredentials Update Hosted RPA Bot Username and Password.
UpdateAutomatedPlugin Updates the automated plugin and corresponding SdkMessageProcessingStep
UpdateFeatureConfig For internal use only.
UpdateFlowMachineNetwork Triggers the update of Flow Machine Network.
UpdateInstantPlugin Updates the instant plugin and corresponding custom api.
UpdateMultiple Updates multiple records of the same type in a single request.
UpdateOptionValue Updates an option value in a global or local option set.
UpdateSolutionComponent Updates a component in an unmanaged solution.
UpdateStateValue Updates an option set value in for a StateAttributeMetadata attribute.
UploadBlock Uploads a block of data to storage.
UpsertCompositeDataSource API responsible for creating or updating a composite environment variable.
UpsertEnvironmentVariable API responsible for creating or updating an environment variable.
UpsertMultiple Upsert (Create or Update) multiple records of same type in a single request.
Validate Verifies that an appointment or service appointment (service activity) has valid available resources for the activity, duration, and site, as appropriate.
ValidateAIConfiguration Validates an AI configuration.
ValidateRetentionConfig Validates the retention configuration during the policy setup. Checks the structure of the FetchXML and executes any custom validations provided for the table.
ValidateSavedQuery Validates a saved query.
ValidateUnpublished Validates that a mobile offline profile, including unpublished changes, can be published.

See also