
Configure IoT Edge Module offer properties

This page lets you define the categories used to group your offer on Azure Marketplace, your application version, and the legal contracts that support your offer.


Select categories and subcategories to place your offer in the appropriate Azure Marketplace search areas. Be sure to describe later in the offer description how your offer supports these categories.

  • Select a Primary category.
  • To add a second optional category (Secondary), select the +Categories link.
  • Select up to two subcategories for the Primary and/or Secondary category. If no subcategory is applicable to your offer, select Not applicable. Use Ctrl+click to select a second subcategory.

See the full list of categories and subcategories in Offer Listing Best Practices.

To use the Standard contract for Microsoft's commercial marketplace, check the box, then Accept. To provide your own Terms and conditions customers must accept before they can try your offer, enter them in the box. You can also provide the web address where your terms and conditions can be found.


After you publish an offer using Microsoft's standard contract, you can't later change it to your own custom terms and conditions.

Select Save draft before continuing to the next tab in the left-nav menu, Offer listing.