
Set up plans for an IoT Edge Module offer

The Plan setup page lets you configure which clouds the plan is available in. Your answers on this tab affect which fields are displayed on other tabs.

Azure regions

Select from Azure Global or Azure Government.

Azure Global

All plans for IoT Edge module offers are automatically available in Azure Global. Your plan can be used by customers in all global Azure regions that use the marketplace. For details, see Geographic availability and currency support.

Azure Government

Select Azure Government to make your offer appear there. This is a government community cloud with controlled access for customers from U.S. federal, state, and local or tribal government agencies, as well as partners eligible to serve them. As the publisher, you're responsible for any compliance controls, security measures, and best practices for this cloud community. Azure Government uses physically isolated data centers and networks (located in the U.S. only). Before publishing to Azure Government, test and confirm your solution within that area as the results might be different. To stage and test your solution, request a trial account from Microsoft Azure Government trial.


After your plan is published and available in a specific region, you can't remove that region.

Azure Government certifications

If you select Azure Government, add your certifications. Azure Government services handle data that's subject to certain government regulations and requirements. For example, FedRAMP, NIST 800.171 (DIB), ITAR, IRS 1075, DoD L4, and CJIS. To bring awareness to your certifications for these programs, you can provide up to 100 links that describe your certifications. These can be links to your listings on the program directly or to your own website. These links are visible to Azure Government customers only.

Select Save draft before continuing to the next tab in the Plan overview left-nav menu, Plan listing.