
Retrieve offer status


The Cloud Partner Portal APIs are integrated with and will continue working in Partner Center. The transition introduces small changes. Review the changes listed in Cloud Partner Portal API Reference to ensure your code continues working after transitioning to Partner Center. CPP APIs should only be used for existing products that were already integrated before transition to Partner Center; new products should use Partner Center submission APIs.

Retrieves the current status of the offer.

GET https://cloudpartner.azure.com/api/publishers/<publisherId>/offers/<offerId>/status?api-version=2017-10-31

URI parameters

Name Description Data type
publisherId Publisher identifier, for example Contoso String
offerId GUID that uniquely identifies the offer String
api-version Latest version of API Date
Name Value
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer YOUR_TOKEN

Body example


      "status": "succeeded",
      "messages": [],
      "steps": [
          "estimatedTimeFrame": "< 15 min",
          "id": "displaydummycertify",
          "stepName": "Validate Pre-Requisites",
          "description": "Offer settings provided are validated.",
          "status": "complete",
          "messages": [
                  "messageHtml": "Step completed.",
                  "level": "information",
                  "timestamp": "2018-03-16T17:50:45.7215661Z"
          "progressPercentage": 100
          "estimatedTimeFrame": "~2-3 days",
          "id": "displaycertify",
          "stepName": "Certification",
          "description": "Your offer is analyzed by our certification systems for issues.",
          "status": "notStarted",
          "messages": [],
          "progressPercentage": 0
          "estimatedTimeFrame": "< 1 day",
          "id": "displayprovision",
          "stepName": "Provisioning",
          "description": "Your virtual machine is being replicated in our production systems.",
          "status": "notStarted",
          "messages": [],
          "progressPercentage": 0
          "estimatedTimeFrame": "< 1 hour",
          "id": "displaypackage",
          "stepName": "Packaging and Lead Generation Registration",
          "description": "Your virtual machine is being packaged for customers. Additionally, lead systems are being configured and set up.",
          "status": "notStarted",
          "messages": [],
          "progressPercentage": 0
          "estimatedTimeFrame": "< 1 hour",
          "id": "publisher-signoff",
          "stepName": "Publisher signoff",
          "description": "Offer is available to preview. Ensure that everything looks good before making your offer live.",
          "status": "complete",
          "messages": [],
          "progressPercentage": 0
          "estimatedTimeFrame": "~2-5 days",
          "id": "live",
          "stepName": "Live",
          "description": "Offer is publicly visible and is available for purchase.",
          "status": "complete",
          "messages": [],
          "progressPercentage": 0
      "previewLinks": [],
      liveLinks": [],

Response body properties

Name Description
status The status of the offer. For the list of possible values, see Offer status below.
messages Array of messages associated with the offer
steps Array of the steps that the offer goes through during an offer publishing
estimatedTimeFrame Estimate of time it would take to complete this step, in friendly format
id Identifier of the step
stepName Name of the step
description Description of the step
status Status of the step. For the list of possible values, see Step status below.
messages Array of messages related to the step
processPercentage Percentage completion of the step
previewLinks Not currently implemented
liveLinks Not currently implemented
notificationEmails Deprecated for offers migrated to Partner Center. Notification emails for migrated offers will be sent to the email specified under the Seller contact info in Account settings.

For non-migrated offers, comma-separated list of email addresses to be notified of the progress of the operation

Response status codes

Code Description
200 OK - The request was successfully processed, and the current status of the offer was returned.
400 Bad/Malformed request - The error response body might contain more information.
404 Not found - The specified entity doesn't exist.

Offer status

Name Description
NeverPublished Offer has never been published.
NotStarted Offer is new and not started.
WaitingForPublisherReview Offer is waiting for publisher approval.
Running Offer submission is being processed.
Succeeded Offer submission has completed processing.
Canceled Offer submission was canceled.
Failed Offer submission failed.

Step Status

Name Description
NotStarted Step has not started.
InProgress Step is running.
WaitingForPublisherReview Step is waiting for publisher approval.
WaitingForApproval Step is waiting for process approval.
Blocked Step is blocked.
Rejected Step is rejected.
Complete Step is complete.
Canceled Step was canceled.