
Manage incentives co-op claims

Appropriate roles: Incentives admin

The following content gives you information to manage co-op claims, including timelines, rules, and how to dispute a rejected co-op claim.

Co-op claims approval and payment deadlines

When will my co-op claim be approved?

Co-op claims are reviewed within two business days after they're submitted. Once they're deemed valid, they're set to the status: Approved.

The following are the various possible statuses for your co-op claims.

  • Submitted.
  • Under review - Microsoft will complete its review within two business days of the claim being submitted. If your status is under review for longer than two days, contact Support.
  • Action required.
  • Editing.
  • Approved.
  • Rejected.

Co-op claim payments

When will I get the payment for the approved co-op claim?

Payments will be made within 45 business days of the approval date. If the program needs a tax invoice, payments will be made within 30 days after tax invoice is approved.

Why are my co-op claim payments made in two different currencies?

When co-op funds are earned from different Microsoft entities, payments are made in the local currency of each respective entity.

Why was I paid in a currency other than my co-op claim currency?

Every incentive program has a bank profile that was created during setup. The currency specified in that profile is the currency in which you'll be paid.

Rejected co-op claims

If the materials you provided with your co-op claim are determined to be insufficient, it will be rejected. You can view the reasons for the rejection in the History field of your co-op claims page. To dispute the rejection, use the following procedure:

Dispute a rejected co-op claim

Use the following steps to dispute a rejected co-op claim.

  1. Sign in to Partner Center and select Incentives.

  2. Select Co-op management.

  3. Select the co-op claim you want to dispute. The co-op claim page opens.

  4. At the bottom of the page, select Dispute.

The co-op claims validation team will review the claim within five business days. During this time, the status will show as Disputed. We might contact you to request additional information. When the review is complete, the validation team will update the status to either Approved, Rejected, or Partner Action Required.