
Earnings - Ineligible revenue usage report in Partner Center

Appropriate roles: Incentives: Incentives admin | Incentives user

To see commerce incentives that are ineligible for Earnings in Partner Center:

  1. Sign in to Partner Center and select Earnings > Reports.
  2. Select Download > Ineligible revenue usage details. The report that downloads contains the following attributes:
Attribute name Description Availability
agreementNumber Enterprise agreement number Only for any Enterprise Agreement-based engagements

Compensable Units are calculated by subtracting the Prior High Water Mark (HWM) at the start of the month by Tenant/workload from the paid seats at the end of the month by Tenant/workload. For example, Compensable units by tenant and workload = Paid seats - Prior HWM. Applicable for Microsoft Commerce Incentives - Modern Workplace Usage and Online Advisor
customerId Identity of the customer associated with a subscription/resource. All
customerIdType Top Parent ID (TPID) or Tenant ID. TPID is available for Azure consumption engagements and some build intent workshops. The rest have tenant IDs. All
customerName Name of customer All


Partner identity in the transact relationship For all incentive, store and marketplace programs. Useful when multiple transacting partner IDs are mapped into a single enrollment ID
engagementName Name of the incentives engagement under Microsoft Commerce Incentives Only for transactions dated Oct 1, 2021 and later
invoiceNumber Invoice number Only for modern partner-led, field-led, and customer-led for Azure consumption, all new commerce transactions for other products.
partnerAssociation Type of relationship partner has to a customer. Examples: reseller, PAL.Owner For all incentive, store and marketplace programs
partnerCountryCode Enrolled Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program location All
partnerId PartnerID of the enrolled partner All
partnerName Name of the partner All
partnerRole Categorization of the kind of engagement. Categories include: build intent, transact, deploy, and use. For Microsoft Commerce Incentives only
productId Commerce product name. Available for commerce-based transactions All
productFamily Product family All
reason Reason for ineligibility All
subscriptionId Subscription ID Only for commerce transactions (subscription-based) and Azure consumption
transactionAmountUSD Consumption amount in US dollars All
transactionDate Date of consumption or billing All
unearnedId Unique identifier that can help you to create a support inquiry All
quantity Indicates the active usage or seats Only for BizApps usage-based engagements
quantityType Elaborates the type of quantity - for example, MAU or seats Only for BizApps usage-based engagements
quantityAlt Alternate quantity value Optionally available for incentive programs. Example: Modern Work usage.
quantityAltType Alternate quantity unit - for example, Paid available units (PAU) Optionally available for incentive programs - for example, for Modern Work usage.
resourceID Indicates the resource Applicable for Business Applications with PAL
solutionArea High level product categorization. Examples: Azure, Modern Work, and Security. For Microsoft Commerce Incentives only
workload Service name or workload name. Applicable for Azure consumption or monthly active usage based data. Only for Azure consumption and BizApps usage