
Get earnings export request by ID

Gets the status of an existing queued export request.

REST Request

GET https://api.partner.microsoft.com/v1.0/payouts/transactionhistory/{transactionHistoryRequestId}

Request parameters

Name In Required Type Description
requestId Query True Guid Export request ID

Request header

Name Required Type Description
Authorization Yes String Authorization Bearer Token.
ms-correlationid No String An internal request tracker. Each request generates a new tracker (GUID).
ms-requestid No String The request idempotency ID.

Request body


Response payload

API returns HTTP status 200.

Based on request, API can return other standard status listed in Standard API response statuses:

Name Description
400 Bad Request There was missing or incorrect data.
401 Unauthorized The caller isn't authenticated and must authenticate with the partner API service before making the first call.
403 Forbidden The caller isn't authorized to make the request.
500 Internal Server Error The API or one of its dependencies is unable to fulfill the request. Try again later.
404 Not Found Resource not available with input parameters.
429 Rate limiting Too many requests of the same type. Try after sometime.

The API response payload returns the following attributes:

Name Optional Description
Value false See the following table for possible values and actions.

Possible values and actions

Value Client action
requestId Request ID of the export request.
requestDateTime Initiation datetime of the export request.
requestPath Query path of the export request.
requestQueryString Filter used as part of the export request.
blobLocation Blob resource with token when the export file is ready.
Status Export operation status. See the following list of possible values for status.

Possible values for status

  • Queued: The export operation hasn't started
  • Processing: The export operation is in progress
  • Failed: The export operation failed after retries, try queueing a new request
  • Completed: The export operation completed, and the export file is ready for download.