
Country/region information resources available from Partner Center APIs

Applies to: Partner Center | Partner Center operated by 21Vianet | Partner Center for Microsoft Cloud for US Government

The following resources are descriptive metadata for a country/region.


Property Type Description
ExtensionData string The extension data.
Iso2Code string An ISO-2 code.
Iso3Code string An ISO-3 code.
DefaultCulture string The default culture.
IsStateRequired boolean Indicates whether a state/province is required or not.
SupportedStatesList array of strings If a state/province is required, returns the full list for that country/region.
SupportedLanguagesList array of strings A list of supported languages.
SupportedCulturesList array of strings A list of supported cultures.
IsPostalCodeRequired boolean Indicates whether a ZIP code or postal code is required or not.
PostalCodeRegex string The regular expression that defines the ZIP/postal code.
IsCityRequired boolean Indicates whether a city is required or not.
IsVatIdSupported boolean Indicates whether a VAT ID is required or not.
TaxIdFormat string The tax ID format.
TaxIdSample string The tax ID sample.
VatIdRegex string The tax ID regular expression.
PhoneNumberRegex string The phone number regular expression.
IsRegistrationNumberSupported boolean Indicates whether a registration number is supported or not.
IsTaxIdSupported boolean Indicates whether a tax ID is supported or not. This is different than IsVatIdSupported.
ResellerAgreementRegion string The reseller agreement region.
GeographicRegion string The geographic region.
CountryCallingCodesList array of strings The calling codes supported in the country/region.
Attributes ResourceAttributes The metadata attributes corresponding to the CountryInformation resource.


Describes the address formatting rules for a country/region.

Property Type Description
Iso2Code string An ISO-2 code.
DefaultCulture string The default culture.
IsStateRequired boolean Indicates whether a state/province is required or not.
SupportedStatesList array of strings If a state/province is required, returns the full list for that country/region.
SupportedLanguagesList array of strings A list of supported languages.
SupportedCulturesList array of strings A list of supported cultures.
IsPostalCodeRequired boolean Indicates whether a ZIP code or postal code is required or not.
PostalCodeRegex string The regular expression that defines the ZIP/postal code.
IsCityRequired boolean Indicates whether a city is required or not.
IsVatIdSupported boolean Indicates whether a VAT ID is required or not.
TaxIdFormat string The tax ID format.
TaxIdSample string The tax ID sample.
VatIdRegex string The tax ID regular expression.
PhoneNumberRegex string The phone number regular expression.
IsTaxIdSupported boolean Indicates whether a tax ID is supported or not. This property is different than IsVatIdSupported.
IsTaxIdOptional boolean Indicates whether a tax ID is optional or not.
CountryCallingCodesList array of strings The calling codes supported in the country/region.
Attributes ResourceAttributes The metadata attributes corresponding to the CountryInformation resource.