
Manage term duration and billing frequency


Beginning March 10, 2025, partners will be able to schedule billing frequency changes for end-of-sale (EOS) and EOS with conversions offers. Midterm billing frequency changes for triennial offers will be blocked starting April 1, 2025.

Appropriate roles: Admin agent | Billing admin | Sales agent

Managing your subscription involves managing two key aspects: the term duration and the billing frequency. The term duration refers to the length of time you commit to the subscription, while the billing frequency dictates how often you're billed for the subscription licenses.

There are three methods for updating billing frequency and two options for updating your term duration:

  • Immediate changes: This method allows for a mid-term update to your subscription term and billing plan.
  • Scheduled changes at renewal: This method is a planned update that you can set to occur at the time of your subscription's renewal. It enables you to adjust both the term duration and billing frequency in one go, according to the schedule you set.
  • Billing cycle changes: This method lets you alter the billing frequency alone. The changes take effect at your next billing cycle.

In the new commerce experience, you can confirm what changes can be made to any term duration and billing frequency combination (also referred to as billing plan) because all eligible changes are made available. If a change to billing frequency or term duration is grayed out or doesn't populate in Partner Center, it indicates the change isn't eligible. Each method comes with specific rules and eligibility criteria. If certain options aren't visible, refer to the relevant sections to understand the reasons behind their unavailability.

Immediate changes

Partners can help customers to take these actions on their billing plan outside of the renewal period: 

  • Move to a longer term duration mid-term. Customers can't move to a shorter term duration mid-term.
  • Change the billing frequency at the same time that you change the term duration to a longer term duration. Only when changing your term, can you also update the billing frequency.
  • Only changing the billing frequency isn't a supported immediate change for active subscriptions unless you have a triennial term subscription.


Terms available depend on the product and SKU combination. For example, in some cases the Annual or Triennial term might not be supported for a particular product and SKU and doesn't show as an available term within the dropdown. If you have a Triennial term subscription, you can change the annual billing frequency to monthly billing frequency and vice versa. However, this capability will be discontinued starting on April 1, 2025.

Eligible immediate changes

Term duration Billing frequency Term duration changes accepted Billing frequency changes accepted (allowed only when also changing term duration)
Triennial Triennial (Upfront) None None
Triennial Annual None None
Triennial Monthly None None
Annual Annual (Upfront) Yes (Annual to Triennial) Yes (Triennial term with Monthly, Triennial, or Annual billing plan)
Annual Monthly Yes (Annual to Triennial) Yes (Triennial term with Monthly, Triennial, or Annual billing plan)
Monthly Monthly (Upfront) Yes (Monthly to Annual, or Monthly to Triennial) Yes (Annual term with Monthly or Annual billing plan), or (Triennial term with Monthly, Triennial, or Annual billing plan)

To change term and billing frequency:

  1. Go to the customer's subscription page and select the subscription that you want to change.
  2. Select the new term duration in the dropdown list.
  3. Select a different billing frequency in the next dropdown list.
  4. Select Submit.


If you change the term or billing plan of a subscription with a promotion, eligibility for the new billing plan or term is validated and might not be applicable. If the updated subscription is eligible for a different promotion, it automatically applies.

Immediate Changes to Billing cycle frequency changes only

If the subscription qualifies, you can change just the billing frequency. This change takes effect in the next billing cycle and doesn’t reset the billing term. Specifically, if you have a Triennial term subscription, you can change the annual billing frequency to monthly billing frequency and vice versa. However, this capability for midterm billing frequency for triennial offers will be discontinued starting on April 1, 2025.


Partner Center doesn't support switching to an "upfront" billing plan at midterm, it's only supported at the time of purchase. "Upfront" billing is when the billing term is the same as the billing plan (examples: annual term and annual billing plan or monthly term and monthly billing plan).

Eligible changes for immediate billing frequency changes

Term duration Billing frequency Billing frequency changes accepted
Triennial Triennial (Upfront) None
Triennial Annual Yes (Annual to Monthly)
Triennial Monthly Yes (Monthly to Annual)
Annual Annual (Upfront) None
Annual Monthly None
Monthly Monthly (Upfront) None

To change billing frequency:

  1. Go to the customer's subscription page and select the subscription that you want to change.
  2. Select Manage billing frequency. A side panel displays the current billing frequency and a dropdown list that has the options for changing the frequency.
  3. Select a new billing frequency.

Scheduled changes at renewal

To update the term and billing frequency to be applied on your next renewal:

  1. Go to the customer's subscription page and select the subscription that you want to change.
  2. Select Manage renewal. A side panel displays the current billing frequency and a dropdown list that has the options for changing the term and billing plan.
  3. Select a new term and billing plan.
  4. Submit changes.

Eligible changes at renewal


Partners can make any eligible change to their billing term at renewal.

Term duration  Billing frequency  Billing frequency changes accepted 
Triennial  Triennial (Upfront)  Yes (Annual or Monthly) 
Triennial  Annual  Yes (Triennial or Monthly) 
Triennial  Monthly  Yes (Triennial or Annual) 
Annual  Annual (Upfront)  Yes (Monthly) 
Annual  Monthly  Yes (Annual) 
Monthly  Monthly (Upfront)  None 

Billing frequency for End-of-sale offers

End-of-sale scenarios can apply to entire product/SKUs, regions/markets, and specific term and billing plans. Mid-term or immediate changes to billing frequency for "End of sale" and "End of sale with conversions" offers are not supported, however, partners can schedule changes to billing frequency that will take effect at renewal. This applies to both existing subscriptions and during a mid-term upgrade to an "End of sale" or "End of sale with conversions" destination SKU.

To learn more about End-of-sale offers, refer to Manage end-of-sale offers.

Billing frequency changes in legacy

Billing frequency is changed at the order level. After billing frequency is changed, the revised billing cycle is applied to all the subscriptions within that order.

Use the following steps to change the billing frequency of an online service for a customer:

  1. Sign in to the Partner Center and select Customers.
  2. Select the customer whose subscription billing frequency you want to change.
  3. On the customer's page, select the subscription that you want to change.
  4. On the Subscriptions page, you can see the current billing frequency. Scroll down, and under Billing frequency, select Monthly or Annual.
  5. A confirmation window appears with important information about changing billing frequency, and a list of the subscriptions about to be changed. Select OK to make the change.
  6. The new renewal date is displayed with the user's subscription information. You can see the changed billing frequency in the subscription details.