
What to do if your only admin has left the company

Appropriate roles: Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program partner admin | Account admin | Global admin

This article describes what to do if your Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program partner admin/Account admin for your Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program has left the company in three typical cases: if there are still Global admins left, if there aren't, and if there are no users at all who can access the company's Microsoft Entra ID.

You have a Global admin in the account

If there's still a Global admin in the company, they can assign the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program partner admin/Account admin role to another person.

To be assigned the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program partner admin/Account admin role:

  1. Sign in to Partner Center with your work account and select the Settings (gear) icon.
  2. Select the Account settings workspace.
  3. Select User Management in the left navigation menu.
  4. In the filter dropdown that says All users, select Global admin to see who the Global admins for your company are.
  5. Contact a Global admin and ask them to assign you the role you need.

You have no Global admins in the account

At Partner Center, search for any Global admins. (The search procedure is given in the previous answer.)

If there's no Global admin in your company who can assign the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program-specific role, follow these steps:

  1. Go to portal.azure.com and sign in with your work account (for example, tom@contoso.com).

  2. Select the Help + Support option in the left menu nav bar.

  3. On the next page, select New Support request and Technical Issue type in the dropdown menu, insert any other details, and select Next: Solutions.

    Screenshot showing how to locate admin in the Azure portal.

  4. After reviewing the recommended solutions on the next page, select Next: Details and enter the required information.

  5. Review and create the support request.

You've completely lost access

If you have a complete loss of access, follow the Administrator Takeover steps to take over an unmanaged directory as Microsoft Entra administrator.

Not sure if your company already has a work account?

If you're not sure whether your company has a work account, you can follow these steps to check:

  1. Sign in to the Azure admin portal.
  2. Select Microsoft Entra ID from the left menu, and then select Domain names. If you already have a work account, your domain name will be listed.


If you have an active subscription to Microsoft Azure or Microsoft 365, you already have a work account, and your sign in credentials should be the same as the ones used to access those services.