

Selection.GetSelection method (Outlook)

Returns a Selection object that contains the kind of objects specified by the SelectionContents parameter, and that are currently selected in the active explorer.


expression. GetSelection( _SelectionContents_ )

expression A variable that represents a Selection object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
SelectionContents Required OlSelectionContents Specifies the kind of objects in the selection to return.

Return value

A Selection object that contains the specified kind of objects that are selected in the active explorer.


Calling GetSelection with olConversationHeaders as the argument returns a Selection object that has the Location property equal to OlSelectionLocation.olViewList.

If the current view is not a conversation view, or, if Selection.Location is not equal to OlSelectionLocation.olViewList, calling GetSelection with olConversationHeaders as the argument returns a Selection object with Selection.Count equal to 0.

See also

Selection Object

How to: Obtain and Enumerate Selected Conversations

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