

Office Customization Tool (OCT) 2016 Help: Add/Modify Registry Entry dialog box

Applies to: Office Professional Plus 2016, Office Standard 2016

In the Add/Modify Registry Entry dialog box, you can configure the following information for each registry entry, and then choose OK:

  • From the Root list, select the branch that contains the entries you want to add or modify. Settings are applied once per user (HKEY_CURRENT_USER) or once per computer (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). You can't add registry entries to the root of HKEY_USERS or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

  • From the Data type menu, select the data type for the registry value you're adding or modifying.

  • In the Key box, type the name of the subkey where the entry is stored, for example, Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common.

  • Select Create empty key if the registry entry doesn't contain a value name or value data. Some settings are determined by the presence or absence of the registry entry.

  • In the Value name, type the name for the new registry entry. If you include Value data, but leave this field blank, the value is assigned the name <Default>. A key can have only one <Default> value name.

  • In the Value data box, type the value to store in the new registry entry. The data must match the data type.