

NuGet Error NU1302

You are running the 'restore' operation with an 'HTTP' source: myHttpSource. NuGet requires HTTPS sources. To use an HTTP source, you must explicitly set 'allowInsecureConnections' to true in your NuGet.Config file. Please refer to for more information.


myHttpSource is an insecure HTTP source. We recommend using an HTTPS source instead.


Option 1: Update the Source to Use HTTPS

If possible, update the package source to use https:// instead of http://:

    <add key="SecureSource" value="" />

Option 2: Allow Insecure Connections (If Necessary)

If the source must remain HTTP, explicitly allow insecure connections by adding the AllowInsecureConnections flag in the NuGet.Config:

    <add key="InsecureSource" value="" allowInsecureConnections="true" />

Option 3: Consult SDK Analysis Level

The SdkAnalysisLevel property in your project can serve as a temporary workaround for managing HTTP sources. If additional time is needed to resolve the HTTP error, you can lower the SdkAnalysisLevel to suppress errors temporarily. Here's how it functions:

  • For SDK Analysis Level value below 9.0.100, using HTTP sources triggers a warning (NU1803).
  • Starting with SDK Analysis Level 9.0.100 or higher, HTTP sources result in an error (NU1302) unless AllowInsecureConnections is explicitly enabled.