


It is possible to build a package ID and version autocomplete experience using the V3 API. The resource used for making autocomplete queries is the SearchAutocompleteService resource found in the service index.


The following @type values are used:

@type value Notes
SearchAutocompleteService The initial release
SearchAutocompleteService/3.0.0-beta Alias of SearchAutocompleteService
SearchAutocompleteService/3.0.0-rc Alias of SearchAutocompleteService
SearchAutocompleteService/3.5.0 Includes support for packageType query parameter


This version introduces support for the packageType query parameter, allowing filtering by author defined package types. It is fully backwards compatible with queries to SearchAutocompleteService.

Base URL

The base URL for the following APIs is the value of the @id property associated with one of the aforementioned resource @type values. In the following document, the placeholder base URL {@id} will be used. The base URL may change based on implementation or infrastructure changes within the package source so it must be dynamically fetched from the service index by the client software.

HTTP Methods

All URLs found in the registration resource support the HTTP methods GET and HEAD.

Search for package IDs

The first autocomplete API supports searching for part of a package ID string. This is great when you want to provide a package typeahead feature in a user interface integrated with a NuGet package source.

A package with only unlisted versions will not appear in the results.

GET {@id}?q={QUERY}&skip={SKIP}&take={TAKE}&prerelease={PRERELEASE}&semVerLevel={SEMVERLEVEL}&packageType={PACKAGETYPE}

Request parameters

Name In Type Required Notes
q URL string no The string to compare against package IDs
skip URL integer no The number of results to skip, for pagination
take URL integer no The number of results to return, for pagination
prerelease URL boolean no true or false determining whether to include pre-release packages
semVerLevel URL string no A SemVer 1.0.0 version string
packageType URL string no The package type to use to filter packages (added in SearchAutocompleteService/3.5.0)

The autocomplete query q is parsed in a manner that is defined by the server implementation. supports querying for the prefix of package ID tokens, which are pieces of the ID produced by splitting the original by camel case and symbol characters.

The skip parameter defaults to 0.

The take parameter should be an integer greater than zero. The server implementation may impose a maximum value.

If prerelease is not provided, pre-release packages are excluded.

The semVerLevel query parameter is used to opt-in to SemVer 2.0.0 packages. If this query parameter is excluded, only package IDs with SemVer 1.0.0 compatible versions will be returned (with the standard NuGet versioning caveats, such as version strings with 4 integer pieces). If semVerLevel=2.0.0 is provided, both SemVer 1.0.0 and SemVer 2.0.0 compatible packages will be returned. See the SemVer 2.0.0 support for for more information.

The packageType parameter is used to further filter the autocomplete results to only packages that have at least one package type matching the package type name. If the provided package type is not a valid package type as defined by the Package Type document, an empty result will returned. If the provided package type is empty, no filter will be applied. In other words, passing no value to the packageType parameter will behave as if the parameter was not passed.


The response is JSON document containing up to take autocomplete results.

The root JSON object has the following properties:

Name Type Required Notes
totalHits integer yes The total number of matches, disregarding skip and take
data array of strings yes The package IDs matched by the request

Sample request


Make sure to fetch the base URL ( in this sample) from the service index as mentioned in the base URL section.

Sample response

  "totalHits": 571,
  "data": [

Enumerate package versions

Once a package ID is discovered using the previous API, a client can use the autocomplete API to enumerate package versions for a provided package ID.

A package version that is unlisted will not appear in the results.

GET {@id}?id={ID}&prerelease={PRERELEASE}&semVerLevel={SEMVERLEVEL}

Request parameters

Name In Type Required Notes
id URL string yes The package ID to fetch versions for
prerelease URL boolean no true or false determining whether to include pre-release packages
semVerLevel URL string no A SemVer 2.0.0 version string

If prerelease is not provided, pre-release packages are excluded.

The semVerLevel query parameter is used to opt-in to SemVer 2.0.0 packages. If this query parameter is excluded, only SemVer 1.0.0 versions will be returned. If semVerLevel=2.0.0 is provided, both SemVer 1.0.0 and SemVer 2.0.0 versions will be returned. See the SemVer 2.0.0 support for for more information.


The response is JSON document containing all package versions of the provided package ID, filtering by the given query parameters.

The root JSON object has the following property:

Name Type Required Notes
data array of strings yes The package versions matched by the request

The package versions in the data array may contain SemVer 2.0.0 build metadata (e.g. 1.0.0+metadata) if the semVerLevel=2.0.0 is provided in the query string.

Sample request


Sample response

  "data": [