

GetTsPoliciesSaMedia Method in Class SMS_TaskSequencePackage

The GetTsPoliciesSaMedia Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class method, in Configuration Manager, gets all policies associated with the specified task sequence. The user must have rights to create stand-alone media.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and defines the method.


SInt32 GetTsPoliciesSaMedia (  
     String AdvertisementID,  
     String PackageID,  
     SMS_TaskSequence TaskSequence,  
     String AdvertisementName,  
     String AdvertisementComment,  
     UInt32 AdvertisementFlags,  
     String BootImageID,  
     String SourceSite,  
     String PolicyXmls[],  
     String PolicyAssignmentXmls[]  


Data type: String

Qualifiers: [in]

A user-defined advertisement ID to embed in the policy. This ID should not conflict with other advertisement IDs that have been created by the site.

Data type: String

Qualifiers: [in]

The ID for the task sequence package, if the method is to obtain policy for a task sequence stored in the Configuration Manager database. Either PackageID or TaskSequence can be non-null, but not both parameters.

Data type: SMS_TaskSequence

Qualifiers: [in]

SMS_TaskSequence Server WMI Class object representing the task sequence. Either PackageID or TaskSequence can be non-null, but not both parameters.

Data type: String

Qualifiers: [in]

A user-defined name for the advertisement.

Data type: String

Qualifiers: [in]

A user-defined comment for the advertisement.

Data type: UInt32

Qualifiers: [in]

User-defined flags specifying advertisement details. See SMS_Advertisement Server WMI Class for more information about these flags.

Data type: String

Qualifiers: [in]

The ID for a boot image package to use with the task sequence. This parameter is required if the TaskSequence parameter is defined. Otherwise, it must be set to null.

Data type: String

Qualifiers: [in]

Code for the source site for the advertisement.

Data type: String Array

Qualifiers: [out]

XML strings representing the policy for the specified task sequence and dependent policies.

Data type: String Array

Qualifiers: [out]

XML strings representing assignments for the policy specified by PolicyXmls. PolicyXmls and PolicyAssignmentXmls are aligned, with the nth element of one parameter corresponding to the nth element of the other.

Return Values

An SInt32 data type that is 0 to indicate success or non-zero to indicate failure.

For information about handling returned errors, see About Configuration Manager Errors.


The policies for a task sequence include the policy for the task sequence itself, policies for all referenced packages, and corresponding policy assignments. The task sequence can be stored either in the database or in memory as a set of WMI objects.

If the task sequence is in the Configuration Manager database, your application should specify the package identifier for the task sequence package in the PackageID parameter. If supplying a value for this parameter, you must have read permission for the specific task sequence.

If the task sequence is in memory, your application must specify values for the TaskSequence and BootImageID parameters.


Runtime Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Runtime Requirements.

Development Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Development Requirements.

See Also

SMS_TaskSequencePackage Server WMI Class