

PackNALPath Method in Class SMS_NAL_Methods

The PackNALPath method, in Configuration Manager, encodes a network abstraction layer (NAL) path from its components. A NAL path is an abstract representation of a network path or a user account.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and defines the method.


SInt32 PackNALPath(  
     String DisplayQualifiers[],  
     String NALType,   
     String NetworkOSPath,   
     String NetworkConnectionQualifiers[],  
     String NALPath  


Data type: String Array

Qualifiers: [in]

Qualifiers that are used by the Configuration Manager console. The possible values are: Display=<path, group, or user>. The value that you specify for the path must be the same as the value that you specify for NetworkOSPath. For path formats, see NetworkOSPath formats later in this topic.

Data type: String

Qualifiers: [in]

The NAL type specified by the network operating system. Possible values are:

Value NAL type
GENERIC All providers accept this account specification. Use this value only when you specify a user or group name.
MSWNET Windows NT.

Data type: String

Qualifiers: [in]

The network operating system path. Possible values are:

Provider NetworkOSPath
Windows NT user names <domain>\<user name>
Windows NT group names <domain>\group=<group name>
Generic group names GROUP=<group name>
Windows NT (UNC) computer names \\<computer name>
Windows NT (UNC) share names \\<computer name>\<share name>

Data type: String Array

Qualifiers: [in]

Optional. Configuration Manager component-specific qualifiers. The possible values are: SMS_SITE=<site code> [Preferred]. SMS_SITE identifies the site to which the path belongs. Preferred is optional and identifies the path to use when multiple paths are specified.

Data type: String

Qualifiers: [out]

Encoded NAL path.

Return Values

An SInt32 data type that is 0 to indicate success or non-zero to indicate failure.

For information about handling returned errors, see About Configuration Manager Errors.

Example Code

The following example encodes a NAL path for an MSWNET network operating system.

Dim clsNALMethods As SWbemObject  
Dim NALPath As String  

Set clsNALMethods = Services.Get("SMS_NAL_Methods")  
clsNALMethods.PackNALPath Array("Display=\\<server>"), "MSWNET", _  
"\\<server>", Array("SMS_SITE=<site code>"), NALPath  


Your application uses this method when creating a distribution point or defining system resources in the site control file programmatically. The method is not used to create a NAL path of an existing distribution point for an SMS_DistributionPoint Server WMI Class object. To determine the NAL path for an existing distribution point, the application should query the SMS_SystemResourceList Server WMI Class.


Runtime Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Runtime Requirements.

Development Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Development Requirements.

See Also

SMS_NAL_Methods Class
UnPackNALPath Method in Class SMS_NAL_Methods
SMS_DistributionPoint Server WMI Class
SMS_SystemResourceList Server WMI Class