

How to Create a Program

The following example shows how to create a program, in Configuration Manager, by using the SMS_Program class and class properties.


Any advertised program will fail to run when the maintenance windows that are defined on the client computer are set for a period that is less than that program's Maximum allowed run time setting. For more information, see Program Run Scenario Using Maintenance Windows in the Configuration Manager documentation.

To create a program

  1. Set up a connection to the SMS Provider.

  2. Create the new program object by using the SMS_Program class.

  3. Populate the new program properties.


    When you create a program for a Task Sequence or a Virtual Application Package, the SMS_Program properties must be set to specific values. The following tables outline what those settings should be configured to.

    Task Sequence

    Property Name Property Value
    ProgramName *

    Virtual Application Package

    Property Name Property Value
    CommandLine PkgGUID={E742FFD6-D539-42CC-9827-73535FC81E06}:VersionGUID={19366289-8C55-44E2-A5EC-7B385EFB4C30}

    Note: The GUID values are taken from the virtual application's XML manifest file.
    ProgramName [Virtual application]
  4. Save the new program and properties.


The following example method creates a new program and populates its properties for use in software distribution.

For information about calling the sample code, see Calling Configuration Manager Code Snippets.

Sub CreateProgram(connection, existingPackageID, newProgramName, newProgramComment, newProgramCommandLine, newMaxRunTime)  

    ' Create the new program object.    Dim newProgram  
    Set newProgram = connection.Get("SMS_Program").SpawnInstance_  

    ' Populate the program properties.  
    newProgram.PackageID = existingPackageID  
    newProgram.ProgramName = newProgramName  
    newProgram.Comment = newProgramComment  
    newProgram.CommandLine = newProgramCommandLine  
    newProgram.Duration = newMaxRunTime  

    ' Save the new program and properties.  

    ' Output new program name.  
    wscript.echo "Created program: " & newProgramName  

End Sub  
public void CreateProgram(WqlConnectionManager connection,   
                          string existingPackageID,   
                          string newProgramName,   
                          string newProgramComment,   
                          string newProgramCommandLine,  
                          int newMaxRunTime)  
        // Create an instance of SMS_Program.  
        IResultObject newProgram = connection.CreateInstance("SMS_Program");  

        // Populate basic program values.  
        newProgram["PackageID"].StringValue = existingPackageID;  
        newProgram["ProgramName"].StringValue = newProgramName;  
        newProgram["Comment"].StringValue = newProgramComment;  
        newProgram["CommandLine"].StringValue = newProgramCommandLine;  
        newProgram["Duration"].IntegerValue = newMaxRunTime;  

        // Save the new program instance and values.  

        Console.WriteLine("Created program: " + newProgramName);  
    catch (SmsException ex)  
        Console.WriteLine("Failed to create program. Error: " + ex.Message);  

The example method has the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description

- Managed: WqlConnectionManager
- VBScript: SWbemServices
A valid connection to the SMS Provider.
existingPackageID - Managed: String
- VBScript: String
The name of the package associated with the program.
newProgramName - Managed: String
- VBScript: String
The name for the new program.
newProgramComment - Managed: String
- VBScript: String
Comment that describes the program in the Configuration Manager console.
newProgramCommandLine - Managed: String
- VBScript: String
The command line that runs when the program is launched.
newMaxRunTime - Managed: Integer
- VBScript: Integer
The approximate duration, in minutes, of program execution on the client computer. This parameter can have a max value of 720 minutes or 12 hours.

Compiling the Code

The C# example requires:









Robust Programming

For more information about error handling, see About Configuration Manager Errors.

See Also

Software distribution overview