
Retrieve InMail Stub Profiles

The InMail Stub Profile API allows you to retrieve basic profile data of LinkedIn members that have replied to InMails sent from Recruiter seat holders. When InMails are sent from Recruiter seatholders to members, the initial reply to that InMail asks the member if they would be willing to share their contact information with the Recruiter. On reply, if they elect to share, a subset of that member’s profile data (mailStub) will be retrievable with this API. The stub profile data can then be stored in your application database. If a member does not share their contact info, a mailStub will not be stored for the member.

All API requests require authorization . Additionally, API requests return paged results; details on paging through results can be found here.

Retrieve stub profiles for a contract:

GET https://api.linkedin.com/v2/mailStubs?q=contract

Query parameters

Field Description Format Required Notes
contract The contract identifier ContractUrn in format urn:li:contract:{id} Yes Find stub profiles associated with a specific Recruiter contract.
owners The seat identifier SeatUrn in format urn:li:seat:{id} No Find stub profiles associated with specific seat holders. Multiple allowed.
createdDateStart Inclusive lower date boundary Epoch in milliseconds (UTC) No Find stub profiles that were created on or after a specific date.
createdDateEnd Non-inclusive upper date boundary Epoch in milliseconds (UTC) No Find stub profiles that were created before or on a specific date.


  • Even though 'owners' is not a required field, it should always be provided to avoid costly search operations at the LinkedIn backend.
  • Please make use of as much filtering criteria as possible.
  • For createdDateStart and createdDateEnd, if not specified we will search from all timespan.
  • The limit for hosted query search is 20000, if the query is trying to access the result more than 20000, api response will return an error with status code 500.

Sample Request


Response Body fields

Field Description Type Required
firstName First name of the member. string Yes
lastName Last name of the member. string Yes
member Unique id of the member within LinkedIn system. PersonUrn in format urn:li:person:{id} Yes
email Prospect's email address at the time of sharing string No
phone Prospect's phone number at the time of sharing string No
location Location of the member (e.g. San Francisco Bay Area or Sunnyvale, California). string No
position Prospect's position including title and company at the time of sharing. string No
seat Seat to which the mail stub was shared. SeatUrn in format urn:li:seat:{id} Yes
createdAt Created timestamp Epoch in Milliseconds (UTC) Yes
headline Headline of the member. string No
profileUrl URL of the member's public LinkedIn profile. string No

Sample Response

    "elements": [
        "seat": "urn:li:seat:123456789",
        "createdAt": 1486428734000,
        "firstName": "firstName0",
        "lastName": "lastName0",
        "phone": {
            "number": "123-456-7890"
        "member": "urn:li:person:a1b2c3d4e5",
        "location": "United States",
        "position": {
            "company": "LinkedIn",
            "title": "Software Engineer at LinkedIn"
        "email": "test@linkedin.com"
        "seat": "urn:li:seat:123456789",
        "createdAt": 1526935559000,
        "firstName": "firstName1",
        "lastName": "lastName1",
        "member": "urn:li:person:a2b3c4d5"
        "seat": "urn:li:seat:123456789",
        "createdAt": 1526935559000,
        "firstName": "firstName2",
        "lastName": "lastName2",
        "member": "urn:li:person:a3b4c5d6"
        "seat": "urn:li:seat:123456789",
        "createdAt": 1526935559000,
        "firstName": "firstName3",
        "lastName": "lastName3",
        "member": "urn:li:person:a4b5c6d7"
        "seat": "urn:li:seat:123456789",
        "createdAt": 1526935559000,
        "firstName": "firstName4",
        "lastName": "lastName4",
        "member": "urn:li:person:a5b6c7d8"
    "paging": {
        "count": 5,
        "start": 0
        "links": [
                "rel": "next",
                "href": "/v2/mailStubs?contract=urn%3Ali%3Acontract%3A123456789&count=5&urn%3Ali%3Aseat%3A123456789q=contract&start=5",
                "type": "application/json"