

.create or alter continuous-export

Applies to: ✅ Microsoft FabricAzure Data Explorer

Creates or alters a continuous export job.


You must have at least Database Admin permissions to run this command.


.create-or-alter continuous-export continuousExportName [over (T1, T2 )] to table externalTableName [with (propertyName = propertyValue [, ...])] <| query

Learn more about syntax conventions.


Name Type Required Description
continuousExportName string ✔️ The name of the continuous export. Must be unique within the database.
externalTableName string ✔️ The name of the external table export target.
query string ✔️ The query to export.
T1, T2 string A comma-separated list of fact tables in the query. If not specified, all tables referenced in the query are assumed to be fact tables. If specified, tables not in this list are treated as dimension tables and aren't scoped, so all records participate in all exports. See continuous data export overview for details.
propertyName, propertyValue string A comma-separated list of optional properties.


If the target external table uses impersonation authentication, you must specify a managed identity to run the continuous export. For more information, see Use a managed identity to run a continuous export job.

Supported properties

Property Type Description
intervalBetweenRuns Timespan The time span between continuous export executions. Must be greater than 1 minute.
forcedLatency Timespan An optional period of time to limit the query to records ingested before a specified period relative to the current time. This property is useful if, for example, the query performs some aggregations or joins, and you want to make sure all relevant records have been ingested before running the export.
sizeLimit long The size limit in bytes of a single storage artifact written before compression. Valid range: 100 MB (default) to 1 GB.
distributed bool Disable or enable distributed export. Setting to false is equivalent to single distribution hint. Default is true.
parquetRowGroupSize int Relevant only when data format is Parquet. Controls the row group size in the exported files. Default row group size is 100,000 records.
managedIdentity string The managed identity for which the continuous export job runs. The managed identity can be an object ID, or the system reserved word. For more information, see Use a managed identity to run a continuous export job.
isDisabled bool Disable or enable the continuous export. Default is false.


The following example creates or alters a continuous export MyExport that exports data from the T table to ExternalBlob. The data exports occur every hour, and have a defined forced latency and size limit per storage artifact.

.create-or-alter continuous-export MyExport
over (T)
to table ExternalBlob
<| T
Name ExternalTableName Query ForcedLatency IntervalBetweenRuns CursorScopedTables ExportProperties
MyExport ExternalBlob S 00:10:00 01:00:00 [
"SizeLimit": 104857600