

sharingLinkVariants resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

Represents the status of potential sharing link variants. The variants generate a separate sharing link from the link that would otherwise be generated, but with identical role and scope.


Property Type Description
addressBarLinkPermission sharingRole Indicates the most permissive role with which an address bar link can be created. The possible values are: none, view, edit, manageList, review, restrictedView, submitOnly, unknownFutureValue.
allowEmbed sharingOperationStatus Indicates whether a link can be embedded.
passwordProtected sharingOperationStatus Indicates whether a link can be password protected, meaning that link users would need to enter a password to access the item for which the sharing link is produced. Creating a passwordProtected link for the first time requires providing a password.
requiresAuthentication sharingOperationStatus Indicates whether a link requires identity authentication for recipients. Users can be verified through either an email address or identity.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.sharingLinkVariants",
  "passwordProtected": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.sharingOperationStatus"
  "requiresAuthentication": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.sharingOperationStatus"
  "addressBarLinkPermission": "String",
  "allowEmbed": {
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.sharingOperationStatus"