

printJobConfiguration resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


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A group of settings that a printer should use to print a job.


Property Type Description
pageRanges integerRange collection The page ranges to print. Read-only.
quality printQuality The print quality to use when printing the job. Valid values are described in the table below. Read-only.
dpi Int32 The resolution to use when printing the job, expressed in dots per inch (DPI). Read-only.
feedOrientation printerFeedOrientation The orientation to use when feeding media into the printer. Valid values are described in the following table. Read-only.
orientation printOrientation The orientation setting the printer should use when printing the job. Valid values are described in the following table.
duplexMode printDuplexMode The duplex mode the printer should use when printing the job. Valid values are described in the table below. Read-only.
copies Int32 The number of copies that should be printed. Read-only.
colorMode printColorMode The color mode the printer should use to print the job. Valid values are described in the table below. Read-only.
inputBin String The input bin (tray) to use when printing. See the printer's capabilities for a list of supported input bins.
outputBin String The output bin to place completed prints into. See the printer's capabilities for a list of supported output bins.
mediaSize String The media sizeto use when printing. Supports standard size names for ISO and ANSI media sizes. Valid values are listed in the printerCapabilities topic.
margin printMargin The margin settings to use when printing.
mediaType String The default media (such as paper) type to print the document on.
finishings printFinishing collection Finishing processes to use when printing.
pagesPerSheet Int32 The number of document pages to print on each sheet.
multipageLayout printMultipageLayout The direction to lay out pages when multiple pages are being printed per sheet. Valid values are described in the following table.
collate Boolean Whether the printer should collate pages when printing multiple copies of a multi-page document.
scaling printScaling Specifies how the printer should scale the document data to fit the requested media. Valid values are described in the following table.

printQuality values

Member Value Description
low 0 The printer prints the job using low (commonly known as "draft") quality.
medium 1 The printer prints the job using medium (commonly known as "normal") quality.
high 2 The printer prints the job using high (commonly known as "best" or "fine") quality.
unknownFutureValue 3 Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Don't use.

printerFeedOrientation values

Member Value Description
longEdgeFirst 0 The printer consumes sheets from the active tray in "landscape" orientation, with the long edge of the sheet first.
shortEdgeFirst 1 The printer consumes sheets from the active tray in "portrait" orientation, with the short edge of the sheet first.
unknownFutureValue 2 Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Don't use.

printOrientation values

Member Value Description
portrait 3 The printer prints impressions in the "portrait" orientation.
landscape 4 The printer prints impressions in the "landscape" orientation.
reverseLandscape 5 The printer prints impressions in the "reverse landscape" orientation.
reversePortrait 6 The printer prints impressions in the "reverse portrait" orientation.

printDuplexMode values

Member Value Description
flipOnLongEdge 0 The printer prints double-sided, and flips documents along the long edge.
flipOnShortEdge 1 The printer prints double-sided, and flips documents along the short edge.
oneSided 2 The printer prints single-sided.

printColorMode values

Member Value Description
blackAndWhite 0 Black and white (use black marker material only.)
grayscale 1 Grayscale (may use some color marker material.)
color 2 Color (use any combination of marker materials to create a color impression).
auto 3 Let the printer decide which color mode to use.

printFinishing values

Member Value Description
none 3 No finishings. Including this value is equivalent to providing an empty collection of finishings.
staple 4 Staple the document using the printer's default stapling configuration.
punch 5 Hole punches the document using the printer's default hole punch configuration.
cover 6 Apply a cover to the document.
bind 7 Bind the document using the printer's default binding configuration.
saddleStitch 8 Saddle-stich the document using the printer's default stitching configuration.
stitchEdge 9 Edge-stitch the document using the printer's default stitching configuration.
stapleTopLeft 20 Staple the document in the top-left corner.
stapleBottomLeft 21 Staple the document in the bottom-left corner.
stapleTopRight 22 Staple the document in the top-right corner.
stapleBottomRight 23 Staple the document in the bottom-right corner.
stitchLeftEdge 24 Edge-stitch the document along the left edge.
stitchTopEdge 25 Edge-stitch the document along the top edge.
stitchRightEdge 26 Edge-stitch the document along the right edge.
stitchBottomEdge 27 Edge-stitch the document along the bottom edge.
stapleDualLeft 28 Staple the document twice along the left edge.
stapleDualTop 29 Staple the document twice along the top edge.
stapleDualRight 30 Staple the document twice along the right edge.
stapleDualBottom 31 Staple the document twice along the bottom edge.
unknownFutureValue 32 Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Don't use.

printMultipageLayout values

Member Value Description
clockwiseFromTopLeft 0 Arrange the pages in a clockwise grid starting in the top left.
counterClockwiseFromTopLeft 1 Arrange the pages in a counterclockwise grid starting in the top left.
counterClockwiseFromTopRight 2 Arrange the pages in a counterclockwise grid starting in the top right.
clockwiseFromTopRight 3 Arrange the pages in a clockwise grid starting in the top right.
counterClockwiseFromBottomLeft 4 Arrange the pages in a counterclockwise grid starting in the bottom left.
clockwiseFromBottomLeft 5 Arrange the pages in a clockwise grid starting in the bottom left.
counterClockwiseFromBottomRight 6 Arrange the pages in a counterclockwise grid starting in the bottom right.
clockwiseFromBottomRight 7 Arrange the pages in a clockwise grid starting in the bottom right.

printScaling values

Member Value Description
auto 0 If the document is larger than the requested media and the margins are nonzero, the printer scales the document like the fit printScaling. Otherwise, the printer scales the document using the fill printScaling. If the document is smaller than the requested media, 'none' printScaling is used.
shrinkToFit 1 If the document is larger than the requested media, the printer scales the document like the fit printScaling. Otherwise, the printer scales the document like the none printScaling.
fill 2 The printer scales the document to fill the requested media size, preserving its aspect ratio but potentially cropping portions of the document.
fit 3 The printer scales the document to fit the printable area of the requested media size, preserving the aspect ratio of the document data without cropping the document.
none 4 The printer doesn't scale the document to fit the requested media size. If the document is larger than the requested media, the printer centers and clips the resulting output. If the document is smaller than the requested media, printer centers the resulting output.
unknownFutureValue 5 Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Don't use.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "pageRanges": [{"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.integerRange"}],
  "quality": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.printQuality"},
  "dpi": 12345,
  "feedOrientation": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.printerFeedOrientation"},
  "orientation": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.printOrientation"},
  "duplexMode": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.printDuplexMode"},
  "copies": 12345,
  "colorMode": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.printColorMode"},
  "inputBin": "",
  "outputBin": "",
  "mediaSize": "",
  "margin": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.printMargin"},
  "mediaType": "",
  "finishings": [{"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.printFinishing"}],
  "pagesPerSheet": 12345,
  "multipageLayout": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.printMultipageLayout"},
  "collate": true,
  "scaling": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.printScaling"}