

licenseUnitsDetail resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

The prepaidUnits property of the subscribedSku entity is of type licenseUnitsDetail. For more information on the progression states of a subscription, see What if my subscription expires?


Property Type Description
enabled Int32 The number of units that are enabled for the active subscription of the service SKU.
lockedOut Int32 The number of units that are locked out because the customer canceled their subscription of the service SKU.
suspended Int32 The number of units that are suspended because the subscription of the service SKU has been canceled. The units can't be assigned but can still be reactivated before they're deleted.
warning Int32 The number of units that are in warning status. When the subscription of the service SKU has expired, the customer has a grace period to renew their subscription before it's canceled (moved to a suspended state).

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "enabled": "Int32",
  "lockedOut": "Int32",
  "suspended": "Int32",
  "warning": "Int32"