

invitation resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

Represents an invitation that is used to add external users to an organization as part of Microsoft Entra business-to-business (Microsoft Entra B2B) collaboration.

The invitation process uses the following flow:

  • An invitation is created.
  • An invitation that contains an invitation link is sent to the invited user.
  • The invited user selects the invitation link, signs in, and redeems the invitation, and the user entity that represents the invited user is created.
  • The user is redirected to a specific page after the redemption completes.

Creating an invitation returns a redemption URL in the response (inviteRedeemUrl). The create invitation API can automatically send an email that contains the redemption URL to the invited user, by setting the sendInvitationMessage to true. You can also customize the message that is sent to the invited user. Instead, if you want to send the redemption URL through some other means, you can set the sendInvitationMessage to false and use the redeem URL from the response to craft your own communication. Currently, no API is available to perform the redemption process. The invited user has to select the inviteRedeemUrl link sent in the communication, and go through the interactive redemption process in a browser. When the process is completed, the invited user becomes an external user in the organization.


The invitation status is tracked using the externalUserState and the externalUserStateChangeDateTime properties on the external user resource that is created as part of the invitation request.


Method Return Type Description
Create invitation Create an invitation object.


Property Type Description
invitedUserDisplayName String The display name of the user being invited.
invitedUserEmailAddress String The email address of the user being invited. Required. The following special characters aren't permitted in the email address:
  • Tilde (~)
  • Exclamation point (!)
  • At sign (@)
  • Number sign (#)
  • Dollar sign ($)
  • Percent (%)
  • Circumflex (^)
  • Ampersand (&)
  • Asterisk (*)
  • Parentheses (( ))
  • Hyphen (-)
  • Plus sign (+)
  • Equal sign (=)
  • Brackets ([ ])
  • Braces ({ })
  • Backslash (\)
  • Slash mark (/)
  • Pipe (|)
  • Semicolon (;)
  • Colon (:)
  • Quotation marks (")
  • Angle brackets (< >)
  • Question mark (?)
  • Comma (,)

However, the following exceptions apply:
  • A period (.) or a hyphen (-) is permitted anywhere in the user name, except at the beginning or end of the name.
  • An underscore (_) is permitted anywhere in the user name, including at the beginning or end of the name.
invitedUserMessageInfo invitedUserMessageInfo Contins configuration information for the message being sent to the invited user, including customizing message text, language, and cc recipient list.
inviteRedirectUrl String The URL user should be redirected to once the invitation is redeemed. Required.
inviteRedeemUrl String The URL the user can use to redeem their invitation. Read-only.
invitedUserType String The userType of the user being invited. By default, this is Guest. You can invite as Member if you're a company administrator. The default is false.
resetRedemption Boolean Reset the user's redemption status and reinvite a user while retaining their user identifier, group memberships, and app assignments. This property allows you to enable a user to sign-in using a different email address from the one in the previous invitation. When true, the invitedUser/id relationship is required. For more information about using this property, see Reset redemption status for a guest user.
sendInvitationMessage Boolean Indicates whether an email should be sent to the user being invited. The default is false.
status String The status of the invitation. Possible values: PendingAcceptance, Completed, InProgress, and Error


Relationship Type Description
invitedUser user The user created as part of the invitation creation. Read-Only. The id property is required in the request body to reset a redemption status.
invitedUserSponsors directoryObject collection The users or groups who are sponsors of the invited user. Sponsors are users and groups that are responsible for guest users' privileges in the tenant and for keeping the guest users' information and access up to date.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "id": "String",
  "invitedUserDisplayName": "String",
  "invitedUserEmailAddress": "String",
  "invitedUserMessageInfo": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.invitedUserMessageInfo"},
  "sendInvitationMessage": false,
  "inviteRedirectUrl": "String",
  "inviteRedeemUrl": "String",
  "resetRedemption": false,
  "status": "String",
  "invitedUser": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.user"},
  "invitedUserType": "String"