

Onboarding planning for purchase protection

This article describes onboarding planning for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection purchase protection. Onboard planning will help you understand and plan for the project implementation milestones of Fraud Protection purchase protection integration and onboarding. For more information about the integration steps, see Set up purchase protection.

Onboarding milestones

The tables in this section provide details about the onboarding milestones for the environment setup and application programming interface (API) integration, protection, data accumulation, and advanced modeling phases.


  • All timeframes that are mentioned in this article are estimates. The actual time that is required can vary, based on merchant and Microsoft/authorized partner availability and focus.
  • Microsoft does the data validation, but clients must first enable the API calls and start to send a small percentage of production traffic. After validation is completed, clients can send all traffic to help the project move to the next step.

Environment setup and API integration phase

The following table lists the environment setup tasks, owner teams, and estimated times for implementation of the environment setup and API integration phase.

Task Owner team Estimated time
Environment provisioning and setup Client and Microsoft/authorized partner One day
Device fingerprinting integration (web and/or mobile) Client and Microsoft/authorized partner One week
Device fingerprinting data validation (web and/or mobile) Microsoft/authorized partner One week
Purchase API integration and validation Client and Microsoft/authorized partner Two weeks (This task can be done in parallel with the preceding tasks.)
Bank event APT integration and validation Client and Microsoft/authorized partner Two weeks (This task can be done in parallel with the preceding tasks.)
Purchase status API integration and validation Client and Microsoft/authorized partner Two weeks (This task can be done in parallel with the preceding tasks.)
Label and chargeback API integration and validation Client and Microsoft/authorized partner Two weeks (This task can be done in parallel with the preceding tasks.)

Protection phase

The following table lists the environment setup tasks, owner teams, and estimated times for implementation of the protection phase.

Task Owner team Estimated time
Historical data upload (optional) Client One day
Partner training Client and Microsoft/authorized partner One day
Transaction acceptance booster (TAB) opt-in Microsoft/authorized partner One day
Rule creation and migration Client Two days

Data accumulation phase

No actions are required for the client and Microsoft/authorized partner during this phase. Accumulation begins immediately after data quality is signed off on during the API integration phase. Move on to the next phase after the following criteria have been met:

  • At least 500 fraudulent transactions
  • At least 5,000 non-fraudulent transactions
  • At least four weeks of data that has a label maturity rate above 70 percent

Advanced modeling phase

The following table lists the environment setup tasks, owner teams, and estimated times for implementation of the advanced modeling phase.

Task Owner team Estimated time
Model training Client Two weeks
Model shadow on production Client and Microsoft/authorized partner One week
Model switch Microsoft/authorized partner Upon notification

Advanced protection and fraud ops tuning

The following table lists the task, owner team, and estimated time for advanced protection and fraud ops analysis and adjustments.

Task Owner team Estimated time
Score analysis and rule adjustment to optimize key performance indicators (KPIs) Client Ongoing


The following resources provide more information for the integration steps that are referenced in this topic: