

Document class sales point for Latin America

On the Document class sales point page, you can add a configuration that has a sales point, account type, and sequence number to any document class.


The following prerequisites must be met before you can set up additional settings for sales points in Latin American organizations:

  • Sales point prefixes must be created.
  • Document classes must be configured.
  • Number sequences must be created.

Set up sales point additional settings for Latin America

  1. Go to Organization administration > Setup > LATAM > Document class sales point.

  2. Select New to create a record.

  3. In the General section, update the following fields.

    Field Description
    Document class Id. Select a document class.
    Account type Select an account type.
    Sales point prefix Select a sales point prefix.
    Number sequence code Select a number sequence.

    The Printing section is optional and is used as additional information that's printed on the fiscal document.

Set up a sales authorization code

Select Sales CA to access the sales authorization code configuration for the sales point.

  • For the sales point that's assigned to the Document class sales point configuration, the Validate AC option must be enabled.
  • For the document class that's assigned to the Document class sales point configuration, the Require CA number option must be enabled.
  • For the selected document class, the document mask configuration must be automatic.

Follow these steps to set up a sales authorization code.

  1. On the Document class sales point page, on the Action Pane, select Sales CA.

  2. Select New, and set the following fields.

    Field Description
    Authorization code (CA) Enter the authorization code that's provided by the fiscal authority.
    Date from Select the first date that the authorization code is valid.
    Date to Select the last date that the authorization code is valid.
    From voucher number Enter the minimum document number that uses the sales authorization code.
    To voucher number Enter the maximum document number that uses the sales authorization code.
  3. Select Save.