

Set up NF-e parameters for a fiscal establishment (Brazil)

This article describes how to set up parameters for a Nota Fiscal eletrônica (NF-e) for a fiscal establishment in Brazil with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance.

Use the following procedure to set up the parameters for an NF-e for a fiscal establishment.

The procedure uses the BRMF demo company.

To set up the parameters for an NF-e for a fiscal establishment, follow these steps.

  1. In Dynamics 365 Finance, go to Organization administration > Organizations > Fiscal establishments > Fiscal establishments.
  2. Select a fiscal establishment for which to set up NF-e.
  3. Expand the NF-e and NFC-e federal section.
  4. Select Edit.
  5. Enter the digital certificate that authenticates the electronic fiscal documents that are issued by the fiscal establishment.
  6. Select the NF-e environment type:
    • Select Testing to issue an NF-e to the testing environment.
    • Select Production to issue a valid NF-e to the tax authority's production environment.
  7. Select the version of the NF-e XML schema.
  8. Select the state tax authority for NF-e.
  9. Select the default email template to be used to notify customers when the NF-e is authorized by the tax authority.
  10. Select the default email template to be used to notify customers when the NF-e is canceled by the tax authority.
  11. Select the default email template to be used to notify customers when the NF-e is updated by an electronic correction letter.
  12. In the Preprinted security form field, select Yes when the fiscal establishment uses a preprinted security form to print a Documento Auxiliar da Nota Fiscal Eletrônica (DANFE) in security form contingency mode.
  13. In the Attach the DANFE as PDF file to email field, select Yes to automatically attach the DANFE to the email sent to the customer after the NF-e is authorized by the tax authority.
  14. In the Print DANFE when NF-e is approved field, select Yes to automatically print the DANFE after the NF-e is authorized by the tax authority.
  15. In the Validate XML schema on posting field, select Yes to validate the NF-e XML against the official XML schema published by the tax authority before fiscal documents are posted.
  16. In the Post only NF-e that have valid access keys field, select Yes to validate the NF-e access key from an NF-e issued by a vendor before the vendor fiscal documents are posted.
  17. In the Block NF-e posting if XML does not match field, select Yes if a vendor fiscal document shouldn't be posted when the NF-e XML from the vendor doesn't match the order.
  18. Select Save.
  19. Close the page.