

Sample for POS integration with control units for Sweden (legacy)


This sample fiscal integration functionality doesn't take advantage of the fiscal integration framework and will be deprecated in later updates. You should use the control unit integration sample for Sweden instead.

This sample shows how to create Dynamics 365 Commerce extensions to integrate Retail Modern POS or Cloud POS with a fiscal register. Specifically, this sample includes the code for integrating Retail POS with control units for Sweden. It's assumed that a control unit is physically connected to a Hardware station that POS is paired with. As an example, this sample uses the application programming interface (API) of the CleanCash® Type A control unit by Retail Innovation HTT AB. Version 1.1.4 of the CleanCash® API is used. For the integration package that includes the API and documentation, contact the manufacturer of the device.

This sample is a part of the Retail software development kit (SDK). For information about how to install and use the Retail SDK, see the Retail software development kit (SDK) architecture.

This sample consists of extensions for the Hardware station, commerce runtime (CRT), and point of sale (POS). To run this sample, you must modify and build the Hardware station, CRT, and POS projects. We recommend that use you an unmodified Retail SDK to make the changes that are described in this article. We also recommend that you use a source control system, such as Microsoft Visual Studio Online (VSO), where no files have been changed yet.


Some steps in the procedures in this article differ, depending on the version of Commerce that you're using. For more information, see What's new or changed in Dynamics 365 Retail.

In Commerce 10.0.8 and above, Retail Server is known as Commerce Scale Unit. Because this article applies to multiple previous versions of the app, Retail Server is used throughout the article.

Overview of integration with control units

The sample includes the following capabilities:

  • Sales, returns, and receipt copies are automatically registered in a control unit that is connected to the Hardware station that is paired with the POS.
  • The control code and the manufacturing number of the control unit for a registered transaction are captured from the control unit and saved in the transaction. (This data is also referred to as fiscal data.) The fiscal data can be viewed on the Store transactions page.
  • Custom fields for the control code and the manufacturing number of the control unit can be added to a receipt format, so that you can print the fiscal data for the transaction on a receipt.
  • The fiscal data for a transaction is printed on the Electronic journal (Sweden) channel report.
  • If a failure occurs during the registration of a transaction in the control unit, the fiscal data for the transaction remains blank. In this case, a new transaction can't be started, and the current shift can't be closed. The operator will be asked to try to register the unregistered transaction again in the control unit. If the second attempt fails, the operator can skip the registration, provided that the operator has a special permission. If the operator skips the registration of a transaction in the control unit, information about this event is saved in the transaction instead of the fiscal data.


Currently, the control unit integration sample doesn't support customer orders. However, a sample that supports customer orders will be available at a later date.

Setting up integration with control units

You must specify the following settings, so that Retail POS is integrated with control units for Sweden.

  1. Create fiscal register configurations, and assign them to hardware profiles:

    1. On the Fiscal register configurations page, create a new fiscal register configuration record. Set the name and the description of the configuration.

    2. Fill in the configuration content. For this sample, a configuration is an XML file that establishes the mapping between sales tax codes and a control unit's VAT groups. You can map up to four sales tax codes. In the following example of a configuration, VAT10 and VAT20 represent sales tax codes that must be mapped.

              <Tax taxCode="VAT10" controlUnitTaxId="1"/>
              <Tax taxCode="VAT20" controlUnitTaxId="2"/>

      You can also export a sample configuration by clicking Export sample configuration on the Action Pane.

    3. On the Hardware profiles page, select the hardware profile of the Hardware station that the POS is paired with and the control unit is connected to. On the Fiscal register FastTab, set the following fields:

      • In the Fiscal register field, select Third-party driver.
      • In the Configuration field, select the name of the fiscal register configuration that you just created.
  2. Set up custom fields for receipt layouts, so that the control code and the manufacturing number of the control unit are printed on receipts:

    1. On the Language text page, add two records for the captions of the custom receipt layout fields. In the appropriate fields, specify the language ID for the captions (for example, sv-se), the text ID (for example, 900001 and 900002), and the caption text (for example, Control code and Control unit ID).

    2. On the Custom fields page, add two records for the custom receipt layout fields. In the Type field, select Receipt. Specify names and captions for the custom receipt layout fields:

      • Control code:

        • Name: FiscalRegisterControlCode
        • Caption text ID: The text ID that you specified for the control code field (900001 in the preceding example)
      • Manufacturing number of the control unit:

        • Name: FiscalRegisterId
        • Caption text ID: The text ID that you specified for the control unit ID field (900002 in the preceding example)
    3. For sales receipt formats, in the Receipt format designer, in the Footer section of the receipt layout, add the fields for the specified captions (Control code and Control unit ID in the preceding example).

  3. Update POS permissions groups and individual permission settings for store workers. To allow workers who are assigned to the permission group to skip the fiscal registration, select the Allow skip fiscal registration check box.

Development environment

Follow these steps to set up a development environment so that you can test and extend the sample.

  1. Extend the Hardware station component:

    1. Open the Hardware station solution under RetailSDK\SampleExtensions\HardwareStation.

    2. Find the HardwareStation.Extension.FiscalRegisterSample.csproj extension project, and compile it.

    3. Find extension assemblies and configurations.

      Find the following files in Extension.FiscalRegisterSample\bin\Debug:

      • The Contoso.Commerce.HardwareStation.FiscalRegisterSample.dll assembly
      • The Contoso.Commerce.HardwareStation.FiscalRegisterSample.dll.config configuration
      • The Interop.CleanCash_1_1.dll assembly
    4. Copy the files to a deployed Hardware station machine:

      • Remote Hardware station: Copy the files to the bin folder under the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Hardware station site location.
      • Local Hardware station: Copy the files to the Modern POS client broker location.
    5. Find the configuration file for Hardware station's extensions.

      • Remote Hardware station: The file is named hardwarestation.shared.config, and it's under the IIS Hardware station site location.
      • Local Hardware station: The file is named HardwareStation.Dedicated.config, and it's under the Modern POS client broker location.
    6. Add the following section to the composition section of the config file.

      <add source="assembly" value="Contoso.Commerce.HardwareStation.Extension.FiscalRegisterSample" />
    7. Restart the Hardware station service:

      • Remote Hardware station: Restart the Hardware station site from IIS Manager.
      • Local Hardware station: End the dllhost.exe process in Task Manager, and then restart Modern POS.
  2. Extend the CRT component:

    1. Open the CRT solution, CommerceRuntimeSamples.sln, under RetailSdk\SampleExtensions\CommerceRuntime.

    2. Find the Runtime.Extensions.FiscalRegisterReceiptSample project, and build it.

    3. Find the ext.config file for CRT:

      • Retail Server: The file is named commerceRuntime.ext.config, and it's under the bin\ext folder under the IIS Retail server site location.
      • Local CRT on Modern POS: The file is named CommerceRuntime.MPOSOffline.Ext.config, and it's under the bin\ext folder under the local CRT client broker location.
    4. Register the CRT change in the configuration file.

      <add source="type" value="Contoso.Commerce.Runtime.FiscalRegisterReceipt, Contoso.Commerce.Runtime.FiscalRegisterReceipt" />


      Do not edit the commerceruntime.config and CommerceRuntime.MPOSOffline.config files. These files aren't intended for any customizations.

    5. Find the Contoso.Commerce.Runtime.FiscalRegisterReceiptSample.dll assembly file in Extensions.FiscalRegisterReceiptSample\bin\Debug.

    6. Copy the assembly to the CRT extensions folder:

      • Retail Server: Copy the assembly to the \bin\ext folder under the IIS Retail server site location.
      • Local CRT on Modern POS: Copy the assembly to the \ext folder under the local CRT client broker location.


      All the code changes for CRT and Retail Server are all part of RetailSdk\SampleExtensions. Therefore, the preceding steps show how to build, deploy, and test these code changes.

  3. Extend the Modern POS component:

    1. Open the solution at RetailSdk\POS\ModernPOS.sln, and make sure that it can be compiled without errors. Also make sure that Modern POS can be run from Microsoft Visual Studio using the Run command. (Modern POS must not be customized. You must enable User Account Control [UAC], and you must uninstall previously installed instances of Modern POS as required.)

    2. Include FiscalRegisterSample in the Pos.Extensions project.

    3. Enable the extension to be compiled in tsconfig.json by removing the FiscalRegisterSample folder from the exclude list.

    4. Enable the extension in Extensions\extensions.json by adding the following lines in the appropriate place.

          "debugBuildsOnly": false,
          "baseUrl": "FiscalRegisterSample"
    5. Rebuild the solutions.

    6. Run Modern POS in the debugger, and test the functionality.

  4. Extend the Cloud POS component:

    1. Open the solution at RetailSdk\POS\CloudPOS.sln, and make sure that it can be compiled without errors.

    2. Include FiscalRegisterSample in the Pos.Extensions project.

    3. Enable the extension to be compiled in tsconfig.json by removing the FiscalRegisterSample folder from the exclude list.

    4. Enable the extension in Extensions\extensions.json by adding the following lines in the appropriate place.

          "debugBuildsOnly": false,
          "baseUrl": "FiscalRegisterSample"
    5. Rebuild the solutions.

    6. Run the solution by using the Run command and following the steps in the Retail SDK handbook.

    7. Test the functionality.

  5. Set up the fiscal register configuration and other required parameters in Headquarters. For more information, see Cash register functionality for Sweden.

Production environment

Follow these steps to create and apply deployable packages that contain Commerce components in a production environment.

  1. Extend the POS component

    1. Enable the extension to be compiled in tsconfig.json by removing the FiscalRegisterSample folder from the exclude list.

    2. Enable the extension in Extensions\extensions.json by adding the following lines in the appropriate place.

          "baseUrl": "FiscalRegisterSample"
  2. Make the following changes in the package config files under the RetailSdk\Assets folder:

    1. Add the following section to the composition section of the commerceruntime.ext.config and CommerceRuntime.MPOSOffline.Ext.config config files.

      <add source="assembly" value="Contoso.Commerce.Runtime.FiscalRegisterReceiptSample" />
    2. Add the following section to the composition section of the Hardware station configuration file.

      Modify the HardwareStation.Shared.config and HardwareStation.Dedicated.config configuration files.

      <add source="assembly" value="Contoso.Commerce.HardwareStation.Extension.FiscalRegisterSample" />
  3. Make the following changes in the BuildTools\Customization.settings package customization configuration file:

    • Add the following line to include the Hardware station extension in deployable packages:
  4. Run msbuild for the whole Retail SDK to create deployable packages.

  5. Apply the packages via Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS) or manually. For more information, see Retail SDK packaging.