

NumberSequence.Insert(Text [, BigInteger] [, BigInteger] [, Boolean]) Method

Version: Available or changed with runtime version 4.0.

Creates a number sequence in the database, with the given parameters.


 NumberSequence.Insert(Name: Text [, Seed: BigInteger] [, Increment: BigInteger] [, CompanySpecific: Boolean])


 Type: Text
Specifies the name of the number sequence.

[Optional] Seed
 Type: BigInteger
Specifies the first value coming from the number sequence. Default is 0.

[Optional] Increment
 Type: BigInteger
The increment value used for the number sequence. Default is 1.

[Optional] CompanySpecific
 Type: Boolean
Specifies if the number sequence is company-specific. Default is true.


The following example creates the number sequence MyNumberSequence that starts at zero and increments by a value of ten. The number series is not company specific.

NumberSequence.Insert('MyNumberSequence', 0, 10, false);

NumberSequence Data Type
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