Create salesOrders
Create a sales order object in Business Central.
HTTP request
Replace the URL prefix for Business Central depending on environment following the guideline.
POST businesscentralPrefix/companies({id})/salesOrders
Request headers
Header | Value |
Authorization | Bearer {token}. Required. |
Content-Type | application/json |
Request body
In the request body, supply a JSON representation of a salesOrders object.
If successful, this method returns 201 Created
response code and a salesOrders object in the response body.
Here is an example of a request.
POST https://{businesscentralPrefix}/api/v2.0/companies({id})/salesOrders
Content-type: application/json
"orderDate": "2023-09-01",
"customerNumber": "GL00000008",
"currencyCode": "GBP",
"paymentTermsId": "3bb5b4b6-ea4c-43ca-ba1c-3b69e29a6668"
Here is an example of a response.
The response object shown here may be truncated for brevity. All of the properties will be returned from an actual call.
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-type: application/json
"id": "b6f4017a-b749-ee11-ad0b-a1422c0f7f1f",
"number": "101005",
"externalDocumentNumber": "",
"orderDate": "2023-09-01",
"postingDate": "2023-09-02",
"customerId": "c04c550b-593f-ee11-be74-6045bdc8c285",
"customerNumber": "10000",
"customerName": "Adatum Corporation",
"billToName": "Adatum Corporation",
"billToCustomerId": "c04c550b-593f-ee11-be74-6045bdc8c285",
"billToCustomerNumber": "10000",
"shipToName": "Adatum Corporation",
"sellToAddressLine1": "Station Road, 21",
"billToAddressLine1": "Station Road, 21",
"shipToAddressLine1": "Station Road, 21",
"shortcutDimension1Code": "",
"shortcutDimension2Code": "MEDIUM",
"currencyId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"currencyCode": "GBP",
"pricesIncludeTax": false,
"paymentTermsId": "0e8b5305-593f-ee11-be74-6045bdc8c285",
"shipmentMethodId": "774c550b-593f-ee11-be74-6045bdc8c285",
"salesperson": "JO",
"partialShipping": true,
"requestedDeliveryDate": "0001-01-01",
"discountAmount": 0,
"discountAppliedBeforeTax": false,
"totalAmountExcludingTax": 0,
"totalTaxAmount": 0,
"totalAmountIncludingTax": 0,
"fullyShipped": false,
"status": "Draft",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2023-09-02T17:38:08.537Z",
"phoneNumber": "",
"email": "",
"documentLines": [
"lineType": "Item",
"lineNo": 1000,
"itemNo": "ITEM001",
"quantity": 10,
"unitOfMeasureCode": "EA"
Related information
Tips for working with the APIs
Sales Order
Get Sales Order
Update Sales Order
Delete Sales Order