
Report as finished and put away when working on a scale unit


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users by admins, makers, or analysts May 28, 2021 Jul 30, 2021

Business value

Scale units improve the resilience of your warehouse and manufacturing operations by extending your cloud hub with scale units that run warehouse and manufacturing workloads.

Feature details

This feature expands the capabilities of scale units by adding report-as-finished functionality together with support for putting away finished products in the warehouse. This report-as-finished functionality includes support for batch orders, so the system also allows reporting on co-products and byproducts.

The report as finished and put away operations are handled by the warehousing execution workload, rather than the manufacturing execution workload, and therefore require workers to register these operations using the Warehouse Management mobile app rather than the production floor execution interface.

See also

Warehouse management workloads for cloud and edge scale units (docs)