Mapping XML Data Types to CLR Types
The following table describes the default mapping between the XML data types and the common language runtime (CLR) types.
The xs
and the xdt
prefixes are mapped to the and the namespace URIs respectively.
XML Type | CLR Type |
xs:anyURI |
Uri |
xs:base64Binary |
Byte[] |
xs:boolean |
Boolean |
xs:byte |
SByte |
xs:date |
DateTime |
xs:dateTime |
DateTime |
xs:decimal |
Decimal |
xs:double |
Double |
xs:duration |
TimeSpan |
String[] |
String |
xs:float |
Single |
xs:gDay |
DateTime |
xs:gMonthDay |
DateTime |
xs:gYear |
DateTime |
xs:gYearMonth |
DateTime |
xs:hexBinary |
Byte[] |
xs:ID |
String |
xs:IDREF |
String |
String[] |
xs:int |
Int32 |
xs:integer |
Decimal |
xs:language |
String |
xs:long |
Int64 |
xs:gMonth |
DateTime |
xs:Name |
String |
xs:NCName |
String |
xs:negativeInteger |
Decimal |
String |
String[] |
xs:nonNegativeInteger |
Decimal |
xs:nonPositiveInteger |
Decimal |
xs:normalizedString |
String |
XmlQualifiedName |
xs:positiveInteger |
Decimal |
xs:QName |
XmlQualifiedName |
xs:short |
Int16 |
xs:string |
String |
xs:time |
DateTime |
xs:token |
String |
xs:unsignedByte |
Byte |
xs:unsignedInt |
UInt32 |
xs:unsignedLong |
UInt64 |
xs:unsignedShort |
UInt16 |
xdt:dayTimeDuration |
TimeSpan |
xdt:yearMonthDuration |
TimeSpan |
xdt:untypedAtomic |
String |
xdt:anyAtomicType |
Object |
xs:anySimpleType |
String |
Document node | XPathNavigator |
Element node | XPathNavigator |
Attribute node | XPathNavigator |
Namespace node | XPathNavigator |
Text node | XPathNavigator |
Comment node | XPathNavigator |
Processing instruction node | XPathNavigator |
See also
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