

SYSLIB diagnostics for COM interop source generation

The following table shows the diagnostic IDs for COM interop source-generation analyzers.

Diagnostic ID Description
SYSLIB1090 Invalid GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute usage.
SYSLIB1091 Method is declared in different partial declaration than the GeneratedComInterface attribute. To ensure reliable calculation for virtual method table offsets, all methods must be declared in the same partial definition of a GeneratedComInterface-attributed interface type.
SYSLIB1092 Usage of LibraryImport or GeneratedComInterface attribute does not follow recommendation.
SYSLIB1093 Analysis for COM interface generation has failed.
SYSLIB1094 The base COM interface failed to generate source. Code will not be generated for this interface.
SYSLIB1095 Invalid GeneratedComClassAttribute usage.
SYSLIB1096 Use GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute instead of ComImportAttribute to generate COM marshalling code at compile time.
SYSLIB1097 This type implements at least one type with the GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute attribute. Add the GeneratedComClassAttribute to enable passing this type to COM and exposing the COM interfaces for the types with the GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute from objects of this type.
SYSLIB1098 .NET COM hosting with EnableComHosting only supports built-in COM interop. It does not support source-generated COM interop with GeneratedComInterfaceAttribute.
SYSLIB1099 COM Interop APIs on System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal do not support source-generated COM and will fail at run time.
SYSLIB1230 Deriving from a GeneratedComInterface-attributed interface defined in another assembly is not supported.