

How to: Create a Custom Persistence Participant

The following procedure has steps to create a persistence participant. See the Participating in Persistence sample and Store Extensibility topic for sample implementations of persistence participants.

  1. Create a class deriving from the PersistenceParticipant or the PersistenceIOParticipant class. The PersistenceIOParticipant class offers the same extensibility points as the PersistenceParticipant class in addition to being able to participate in I/O operations. Follow one or more of the following steps.

  2. Implement the CollectValues method. The CollectValues method has two dictionary parameters, one for storing read/write values and the other one for storing write-only values (used later in queries). In this method, you should populate these dictionaries with data that is specific to a persistence participant. Each dictionary contains the name of the value as the key and the value itself as an InstanceValue object.

    The values in the readWriteValues dictionary are packaged as InstanceValue objects. The values in the write-only dictionary are packaged as InstanceValue objects with InstanceValueOptions.Optional and InstanceValueOption.WriteOnly set. Each InstanceValue provided by the CollectValues implementations across all persistence participants must have a unique name.

    protected virtual void CollectValues(out IDictionary<XName,Object> readWriteValues, out IDictionary<XName,Object> writeOnlyValues)
  3. Implement the MapValues method. The MapValues method takes two parameters that are similar to the parameters that the CollectValues method receives. All the values collected in the CollectValues stage are passed through these dictionary parameters. The new values added by the MapValues stage are added to the write-only values. The write-only dictionary is used to provide data to an external source not directly associated with the instance values. Each value provided by implementations of the MapValues method across all persistence participants must have a unique name.

    protected virtual IDictionary<XName,Object> MapValues(IDictionary<XName,Object> readWriteValues,IDictionary<XName,Object> writeOnlyValues)

    The MapValues method provides functionality that CollectValues does not, in that it allows for a dependency on another value provided by another persistence participant that hasn’t been processed by CollectValues yet.

  4. Implement the PublishValues method. The PublishValues method receives a dictionary containing all the values loaded from the persistence store.

    protected virtual void PublishValues(IDictionary<XName,Object> readWriteValues)
  5. Implement the BeginOnSave method if the participant is a persistence I/O participant. This method is called during a Save operation. In this method, you should perform I/O adjunct to the persisting (saving) workflow instances. If the host is using a transaction for the corresponding persistence command, the same transaction is provided in Transaction.Current. Additionally, PersistenceIOParticipants may advertise a transactional consistency requirement, in which case the host creates a transaction for the persistence episode if one would not otherwise be used.

    protected virtual IAsyncResult BeginOnSave(IDictionary<XName,Object> readWriteValues, IDictionary<XName,Object> writeOnlyValues, TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
  6. Implement the BeginOnLoad method if the participant is a persistence I/O participant. This method is called during a Load operation. In this method, you should perform I/O adjunct to the loading of workflow instances. If the host is using a transaction for the corresponding persistence command, the same transaction is provided in Transaction.Current. Additionally, Persistence I/O participants may advertise a transactional consistency requirement, in which case the host creates a transaction for the persistence episode if one would not otherwise be used.

    protected virtual IAsyncResult BeginOnLoad(IDictionary<XName,Object> readWriteValues, TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)