

Service Framework Data

This topic lists all exceptions generated by Service Framework Data.

Exception List

Resource Code Resource String
AddressingExtensionInBadNS The specified element in the specified namespace is not valid. This means that the specified element is a duplicate element or that it is not a legal extension because extension elements cannot be in the addressing namespace.
BinaryEncoderSessionInvalid The binary encoder session is not valid because there was an error decoding a previous message.
CannotDetectAddressingVersion Cannot detect WS-Addressing version. EndpointAddress does not start with an element.
CouldNotFindNamespaceForPrefix The specified prefix has no namespace binding in scope.
EncoderBadContentType Cannot process to contentType.
EncoderEnvelopeVersionMismatch The envelope version of the specified incoming message does not match the specified encoder. Make sure the binding is configured with the same version as the expected messages.
EncoderMessageVersionMismatch The message version of the specified outgoing message does not match the specified encoder. Make sure the binding is configured with the same version as the message.
ExtraContentIsPresentInFaultDetail Additional Extensible Markup Language content is present in the fault detail element. Only one element is allowed.
FilterBadTableType The IMessageFilterTable created for a Filter cannot be a MessageFilterTable or derived from MessageFilterTable.
FilterTableInvalidForLookup The MessageFilterTable state is corrupt. The requested search cannot be performed.
MandatoryHeaderNotUnderstood One or more required simple object access protocol header blocks were not understood.
MessageBodyIsStream The message body is a stream.
MessageBodyIsUnknown The format of the message body is unknown.
MessageBodyReaderInvalidReadState The specified ReadState of the message body reader cannot be consumed.
MessageTextEncodingNotSupported The specified text encoding that is used in the text message format is not supported.
MissingMessageID Request Message is missing a MessageID header. A MessageID header is required to correlate a reply.
MultipleMessageHeaders More than one header with the specified name and namespace were found.
MultipleMessageHeadersWithActor More than one header with the specified name, namespace and role were found.
MultipleRelatesToHeaders More than one RelatesTo header with the specified relationship were found. Only one is allowed for each relationship.
QueryFunctionTypeNotSupported The specified return type for the IXsltContextFunction is not supported.
QueryIteratorOutOfScope The XPathNodeIterator has been invalidated. XPathNodeIterators that are passed as arguments to IXsltContextFunctions are only valid within the function. They cannot be cached for later use or returned by the function.
QueryVariableNull IXsltContextVariable methods cannot return null.
QueryVariableTypeNotSupported The specified IXsltContextVariable derived type is not supported.
ReceiveShutdownReturnedMessage The channel received an unexpected input message with the specified Action while closing. Close the channel when you are not expecting any more input messages.
XmlBufferInInvalidState An internal error has occurred. The operation cannot be performed because of the state of the XML buffer.
XmlBufferQuotaExceeded The size necessary to buffer the Extensible Markup Language content exceeded the buffer quota.