IdentityModel Exceptions
This topic lists all exceptions generated by IdentityModel.
Exception List
Resource Code | Current String |
ValueMustBeOf2Types | The value of this argument must be one of these two types. |
SAMLSubjectNameIdentifierRequiresNameValue | The 'Name' specified for a SamlNameIdentifier cannot be null or of length 0. |
TraceCodeIssuanceTokenProviderEndSecurityNegotiation | The IssuanceTokenProvider has completed the security negotiation. |
TraceCodeSecurityNewServerSessionKeyIssued | A new security session key was issued by the server. |
SAMLAttributeMissingNameAttributeOnRead | The 'Name' for the SamlAttribute being read is missing or is of length 0. |
UnknownICryptoType | The ICrypto implementation is not supported. |
TraceCodeSecurityTokenProviderClosed | Security Token Provider was closed. |
SAMLUnableToLoadAdvice | Failed to load the <saml:advice> element. |
SAMLAuthenticationStatementMissingAuthenticationMethodOnRead | The 'AuthenticationMethod' attribute being read for a SamlAuthenticationStatement is missing or of length 0. |
UnsupportedTransformAlgorithm | Unsupported transform or canonicalization algorithm. |
SAMLAudienceRestrictionShouldHaveOneAudience | A SamlAudienceRestrictionCondition must contain at least one Audience (URI). |
SAMLEvidenceShouldHaveOneAssertion | SamlEvidence must reference at least one SamlAssertion either by Id or reference. |
SAMLAudienceRestrictionInvalidAudienceValueOnRead | The SamlAudienceRestrictionCondition being read is missing a value in the 'Audience' element. |
X509ChainBuildFail | The specific X.509 certificate chain building failed. The certificate that was used has a trust chain that cannot be verified. Replace the certificate or change the certificateValidationMode. |
XDCannotFindValueInDictionaryString | The specific value id not found in the dictionary string. |
TraceCodeImportSecurityChannelBindingEntry | Starting Security ImportChannelBinding. |
PrivateKeyExchangeNotSupported | The private key does not support the exchange KeySpec. |
TokenProviderUnableToGetToken | The specific token provider was unable to provide a security token. |
SAMLEntityCannotBeNullOrEmpty | The specific SamlAssertion entity cannot be null or empty. |
SAMLAssertionRequireOneStatement | A SamlAssertion requires at least one statement. Ensure that you have added at least one SamlStatement to the SamlAssertion you are creating. |
AESInvalidInputBlockSize | The input size must be a multiple of specific bytes. |
AESCryptAcquireContextFailed | Failed to acquire the CSP context. |
SAMLAssertionRequireOneStatementOnRead | The SamlAssertion being read did not contain any SamlStatement. A SamlAssertion must contain at least one SamlStatement. |
TraceCodeSecuritySessionClosedFaultReceived | The client security session received a session closed fault from the server. |
TraceCodeIssuanceTokenProviderRedirectApplied | IssuanceTokenProvider applied a redirection header. |
TraceCodeSecuritySessionClosedFaultSendFailure | A failure occurred when sending a security session closed fault to the client. |
ValueMustBeZero | The value of this argument must be 0. |
SAMLUnableToResolveSignatureKey | Unable to resolve SecurityKeyIdentifier found in the SamlAssertion signature. The SamlAssertion signature cannot be validated for the specific Issuer. |
X509IsNotInTrustedStore | The specific X.509 certificate is not in the trusted people store. |
SAMLElementNotRecognized | The specific element is not supported. |
SAMLAuthorizationDecisionStatementMissingResourceAttributeOnRead | The 'Resource' attribute for the SamlAuthorizationDecisionStatement being read is missing or of length 0. |
SamlTokenMissingSignature | The SamlAssertion is not signed. SamlAssertions can be signed by setting the SigningCredentials. |
ExpectedElementMissing | The expected element with the specific namespace is missing. |
NoKeyIdentifierClauseFound | No clause of the specific type was found in the SecurityKeyIdentifier. |
MissingPrivateKey | The private key is not present in the X.509 certificate. |
UnexpectedEOFFromReader | Unexpected EOF from XML reader. |
UnsupportedKeyDerivationAlgorithm | The specific key derivation algorithm is not supported. |
TokenDoesNotSupportKeyIdentifierClauseCreation | The specific token does not support the specific key identifier clause creation. |
LastMessageNumberExceeded | A violation of sequence number protocol has been detected. |
SymmetricKeyLengthTooShort | The length of the symmetric key specified is too short. |
SAMLAuthorityBindingMissingAuthorityKindOnRead | The SamlAuthorityBinding being read was found to contain an 'AuthorityKind' that was missing or of length 0. This is not allowed. |
XmlTokenBufferIsEmpty | XmlTokenBuffer is empty. |
InvalidXmlQualifiedName | An Xml qualified name was expected, but an invalid name was found. |
SAMLAuthorityKindMissingName | The XmlQualifiedName that represents the 'AuthorityKind' in the SamlAuthorityBinding cannot be null or of length 0. |
AESCryptEncryptFailed | Failed to encrypt the specific data. |
AuthorizationContextCreated | Authorization Context with the specific id is created. |
SamlSerializerUnableToReadSecurityKeyIdentifier | The SamlSerializer does not contain a SecurityTokenSerializer capable of reading the SecurityKeyIdentifier. If you are using a custom SecurityKeyIdentifier, you must provide a custom SecurityTokenSerializer. |
TraceCodeIssuanceTokenProviderServiceTokenCacheFull | IssuanceTokenProvider reduced the service token cache. |
TraceCodeSecurityTokenProviderOpened | Security Token Provider was opened. |
PublicKeyNotRSA | The public key is not an RSA key. |
InvalidReaderState | The specific state is invalid for the supplied input reader. |
UnableToResolveReferenceUriForSignature | Unable to resolve the specific URI in the signature to compute the digest. |
EmptyBase64Attribute | An empty value was found for the required base64 attribute name and namespace. |
SAMLSubjectRequiresConfirmationMethodWhenConfirmationDataOrKeyInfoIsSpecified | The SAML SubjectConfirmation requires a Confirmation method when the Confirmation Data or KeyInfo is specified. |
SAMLAudienceRestrictionShouldHaveOneAudienceOnRead | The SamlAudienceRestrictionCondition being read must contain at least one 'Audience' value. None were found. |
TokenProviderUnableToRenewToken | The specific token provider was unable to renew the security token. |
AESIVLengthNotSupported | The specific bits IV is not supported. Only 128 bits IV is supported. |
SAMLAuthorityBindingMissingAuthorityKind | A SamlAuthorityBinding must contain an 'AuthorityKind' that is not null. |
TraceCodeSecuritySessionDemuxFailure | The incoming message is not part of an existing security session. |
TokenRenewalNotSupported | The specific token provider does not support token renewal. |
AtLeastOneReferenceRequired | At least one reference is required in a signature. |
SAMLSignatureAlreadyRead | The signature is already read in the SAML assertion. |
AlgorithmAndPrivateKeyMisMatch | The algorithm specified and the private key do not match. |
EmptyTransformChainNotSupported | The empty transform chain is not supported. |
SspiWrapperEncryptDecryptAssert1 | SSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper|'offset' is out of range. |
SspiWrapperEncryptDecryptAssert2 | SSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper|'size' is out of range. SecurityTokenManagerCannotCreateAuthenticatorForRequirement=The security token manager cannot create a token authenticator for the specific requirement. |
UnableToCreateKeyedHashAlgorithm | Unable to create a KeyedHashAlgorithm from the specific value for the specific signature algorithm. |
SAMLUnableToLoadAssertion | The <saml:assertion> element failed to load. |
X509FindValueMismatchMulti | The specific X509FindType requires the type of the argument findValue to be one of the 2 values. The argument findValue is of another type. |
TraceCodeSecurityIdentityDeterminationSuccess | Identity was determined for an EndpointAddress. |
UndefinedUseOfPrefixAtElement | The specific prefix that is used at the element has no namespace defined. |
TraceCodeSecuritySessionResponderOperationFailure | Security session operation failed at the server. |
CannotFindCert | Unable to find the X.509 certificate using the specific search criteria: StoreName , StoreLocation, FindType, FindValue. |
X509InvalidUsageTime | The specific X.509 certificate usage time is invalid. The usage time does not fall between the required NotBefore time and NotAfter time. |
TraceCodeSecurityIdentityDeterminationFailure | Identity cannot be determined for an EndpointAddress. |
AsyncObjectAlreadyEnded | The End method has already been called on this asynchronous result object. |
ExternalDictionaryDoesNotContainAllRequiredStrings | The external dictionary does not contain definitions for all the required strings. The specific string is not available in the remote dictionary. |
TraceCodeSecuritySessionKeyRenewalFaultReceived | The client security session received a key renewal fault from the server. |
SAMLActionNameRequired | The string that represents the SamlAction cannot be null or of length 0. |
SignatureVerificationFailed | The signature verification failed. |
TraceCodeSecurityContextTokenCacheFull | The SecurityContextSecurityToken cache is full. |
SAMLAssertionMissingMajorVersionAttributeOnRead | The MajorVersion for the SamlAssertion being read is missing or is of length 0. |
SamlAttributeClaimRightShouldBePossessProperty | This SamlAttribute constructor requires that the Right of the Claim have the value System.IdentityModel.Claims.Rights.PossessProperty. |
AuthorizationPolicyEvaluated | Policy with the specific id is evaluated. |
SAMLUnableToLoadCondtions | The <saml:conditions> element failed to load. |
AESKeyLengthNotSupported | The specific bits key is not supported. Only 128, 192 and 256 bits key is supported. |
UserNameCannotBeEmpty | The username cannot be empty. |
AlgorithmAndPublicKeyMisMatch | The algorithm specified and the public key do not match. |
SAMLUnableToLoadCondtion | The <saml:conditions> element failed to load. |
SamlAssertionMissingSigningCredentials | SigningCredentials have not been set on the SamlAssertion. SamlAssertions must be signed, please set a valid SigningCredentials on the SamlAssertion to proceed. |
SspiPayloadNotEncrypted | The binary data was not encrypted with the SSPI security context. |
SAMLAuthorizationDecisionShouldHaveOneActionOnRead | The SamlAuthorizationDecisionStatement that is being read does not contain any SamlAction. |
TraceCodeSecurityBindingSecureOutgoingMessageFailure | The security protocol cannot secure the outgoing message. |
UndefinedUseOfPrefixAtAttribute | The specific prefix used at the specific attribute has no namespace defined. |
NoInputIsSetForCanonicalization | No input is set for writing canonicalized output. |
TraceCodeSecurityPendingServerSessionAdded | A pending security session is added to the server. |
AsyncCallbackException | An AsyncCallback threw an exception. |
PrivateKeyNotRSA | The private key is not a RSA key. |
TraceCodeSecurityClientSessionKeyRenewed | The client security session renewed the session key. |
SAMLAuthorizationDecisionStatementMissingDecisionAttributeOnRead | The 'Decision' for the SamlAuthorizationDecisionStatement being read is missing or of length 0. |
SAMLAttributeNameAttributeRequired | The 'Name' specified for a SamlAttribute cannot be null or of length 0. |
SamlSerializerRequiresExternalSerializers | The SamlSerializer requires a SecurityTokenSerializer to serialize the SecurityKeyIdentifier present in the token. |
UnableToResolveKeyReference | The token resolver is unable to resolve the specific security key reference. |
UnsupportedKeyWrapAlgorithm | The specific key wrap algorithm is not supported. |
SAMLAssertionMissingIssuerAttributeOnRead | The 'Issuer' for the SamlAssertion being read is missing or is of length 0. |
TraceCodeIssuanceTokenProviderUsingCachedToken | The IssuanceTokenProvider used the cached service token. |
AESCryptGetKeyParamFailed | Failed to get the specific key parameter. |
InvalidNamespaceForEmptyPrefix | The namespace is invalid for the empty prefix. |
AESCipherModeNotSupported | The specific cipher mode is not supported. Only CBC is supported. |
ArgumentCannotBeEmptyString | The argument must be a non-empty string. |
SAMLAssertionMissingMinorVersionAttributeOnRead | The MinorVersion for the SamlAssertion being read is missing or is of length 0. |
SpecifiedStringNotAvailableInDictionary | The specified string is not an entry in the current dictionary. |
KerberosApReqInvalidOrOutOfMemory | The AP-REQ is invalid or the system does not have enough memory. |
FailLogonUser | The LogonUser failed for the specified user. Ensure that the user has a valid Windows account. |
ValueMustBeNonNegative | The value of this argument must be non-negative. |
X509ValidationFail | The specified X.509 certificate validation failed. |
TraceCodeSecuritySessionRequestorOperationSuccess | The security session operation completed successfully at the client. |
SAMLActionNameRequiredOnRead | The string that is read for the SamlAction is missing or is of length 0. |
KerberosMultilegsNotSupported | Identity is specified as UPN. Authenticating a service running under a user account requires Kerberos multi-legs, which is unsupported. |
SAMLAssertionIdRequired | The 'assertionId' for a SamlAssertion cannot be null or empty. |
InvalidOperationForWriterState | The specified operation is invalid in the specified XmlWriter state. |
CannotValidateSecurityTokenType | The specified security token authenticator cannot validate a token of the specified type. |
X509FindValueMismatch | The specified X509FindType requires the type of the argument findValue to be the specified value. The argument findValue is of another type. |
TraceCodeSecurityClientSessionCloseSent | A Close message was sent by the client security session. |
SuiteDoesNotAcceptAlgorithm | The specified algorithm is not accepted for the specified operation by the specified algorithm suite |
TraceCodeSecuritySessionRequestorOperationFailure | The client security session operation failed. |
SAMLUnableToLoadStatement | Failed to load a SamlStatement. |
InnerReaderMustBeAtElement | The inner reader must be at the element. |
UnableToCreateTokenReference | Unable to create a security token reference. |
TraceCodeSecurityBindingIncomingMessageVerified | The security protocol verified the incoming message. |
ObjectIsReadOnly | The object is read-only. |
TraceCodeSecurityClientSessionPreviousKeyDiscarded | The client security session discarded the previous session key. |
SAMLTokenTimeInvalid | The SamlToken is not time valid. The current time is outside the Effective and Expiration time of the token. |
TraceCodeSecurityIdentityVerificationSuccess | Identity verification succeeded. |
SigningTokenHasNoKeys | The specified signing token has no keys. |
TraceCodeSecurityIdentityVerificationFailure | Identity verification failed. |
AESCryptImportKeyFailed | Failed to import the key material. |
FailInitializeSecurityContext | InitializeSecurityContent failed. Ensure the service principal name is correct. |
TraceCodeStreamSecurityUpgradeAccepted | The stream security upgrade was accepted successfully. |
SAMLAuthorityBindingRequiresLocation | The 'Location' attribute that is specified on the SamlAuthorityBinding cannot be null or of length 0. |
PublicKeyNotDSA | The public key is not a DSA key. |
ImpersonationLevelNotSupported | The authentication modes using Kerberos do not support the specified impersonation level. Specify a valid identification or impersonation level. |
RequiredTargetNotSigned | The element with the specified id is required to be signed, but was not. |
SAMLAuthenticationStatementMissingAuthenticationInstanceOnRead | The 'AuthenticationInstant' attribute being read for a SamlAuthenticationStatement is missing or of length 0. |
SAMLEvidenceShouldHaveOneAssertionOnRead | The SamlEvidence being read did not contain either a reference to or an embedded SamlAssertion. |
LengthOfArrayToConvertMustGreaterThanZero | The length of the array to convert to an integer must be greater than 0. |
InvalidAsyncResult | Invalid AsyncResult. |
TraceCodeIssuanceTokenProviderRemovedCachedToken | The IssuanceTokenProvider removed the expired service token. |
IncorrectUserNameFormat | The username is in an invalid format. The username format must be in the form of "username' or 'domain\\username'. |
TraceCodeExportSecurityChannelBindingEntry | Starting Security ExportChannelBinding. |
UnsupportedInputTypeForTransform | The specified input type is not supported for the transform. |
CannotFindDocumentRoot | Cannot find the root of the document. |
XmlBufferQuotaExceeded | The size necessary to buffer the XML content exceeded the buffer quota. |
TraceCodeSecuritySessionClosedResponseSendFailure | A failure occurred when sending a security session Close response to the client. |
UnableToResolveReferenceInSamlSignature | Unable to resolve the specified reference in the SAML signature with AssertionID. |
SAMLSubjectRequiresNameIdentifierOrConfirmationMethod | A SamlSubject requires that a 'NameIdentifier' or 'ConfirmationMethod' be specified. Both were missing. |
SAMLAttributeMissingNamespaceAttributeOnRead | The 'Namespace' for the SamlAttribute being read is missing or of length 0. |
SAMLSubjectConfirmationClauseMissingConfirmationMethodOnRead | A 'ConfirmationMethod' cannot be found on the SamlSubjectConfirmation being read. |
SecurityTokenRequirementHasInvalidTypeForProperty | The token requirement has an unexpected type for the specified property. The expected property type is of another value. |
TraceCodeNegotiationTokenProviderAttached | NegotiationTokenProvider was attached. |
TraceCodeSpnegoClientNegotiationCompleted | SpnegoTokenProvider completed SSPI negotiation. |
SAMLUnableToLoadUnknownElement | The selected SamlSerializer is unable to deserialize this element. Please register a custom SamlSerializer to deserialize custom elements. |
CreateSequenceRefused | The create sequence request has been refused by the RM Destination. |
TraceCodeSecuritySessionRedirectApplied | The client security session was redirected. |
SecurityTokenRequirementDoesNotContainProperty | The token requirement does not contain the specified property. |
SAMLAttributeValueCannotBeNull | One of the attributeValues found in the SamlAttribute was found to be a null value. Ensure that lists are not null when creating the SamlAttribute. |
ValueMustBeGreaterThanZero | The value of this argument must be greater than 0. |
TraceCodeNegotiationAuthenticatorAttached | NegotiationTokenAuthenticator was attached. |
ValueMustBePositive | |
SAMLAuthorizationDecisionShouldHaveOneAction | A SamlAuthorizationDecisionStatement must have at least one SamlAction. |
TraceCodeSecurityTokenAuthenticatorClosed | Security Token Authenticator was closed. |
TraceCodeSecurityAuditWrittenSuccess | The security audit log is written successfully. |
PrivateKeyNotDSA | The private key is not a DSA key. |
MessageNumberRollover | The maximum sequence number for this sequence has been exceeded. |
AESPaddingModeNotSupported | The specified padding mode is not supported. Only PKCS7 and ISO10126 is supported. |
SAMLSubjectRequiresNameIdentifierOrConfirmationMethodOnRead | The required 'NameIdentifier' and the 'ConfirmationMethod' elements are not found for the SamlSubject being read. |
TraceCodeSecurityAuditWrittenFailure | A failure occurred while writing to the security audit log. |
UnsupportedCryptoAlgorithm | The specified crypto algorithm is not supported in this context. |
SigningTokenHasNoKeysSupportingTheAlgorithmSuite | The signing token has no key that supports the specified algorithm suite. |
SAMLNameIdentifierMissingIdentifierValueOnRead | The 'Identifier' string for the SamlNameIdentifier being read is missing. |
SAMLSubjectStatementRequiresSubject | The SAML Subject Statement requires a SAML subject to be specified. |
TraceCodeSslClientCertMissing | The remote SSL client failed to provide a required certificate. |
SAMLTokenVersionNotSupported | The specified major version and minor version are not supported. |
TraceCodeConfigurationIsReadOnly | The configuration is read-only. |
TraceCodeSecuritySessionRenewFaultSendFailure | A failure occurred when sending a renewal fault on the security session key to the client. |
TraceCodeSecurityInactiveSessionFaulted | An inactive security session was faulted by the server. |
SAMLUnableToLoadAttribute | Failed to load a SamlAttribute. |
Psha1KeyLengthInvalid | The specified PSHA1 key length is invalid. |
KeyIdentifierCannotCreateKey | This SecurityKeyIdentifier does not have any clause that can create a key. |
X509IsInUntrustedStore | The specified X.509 certificate is in an untrusted certificate store. |
UnexpectedXmlChildNode | The specified XML child node of specified type is unexpected for the specified element. |
TokenDoesNotMeetKeySizeRequirements | The key size requirements for the specified algorithm suite are not met by the specified token. |
TraceCodeSecuritySessionRequestorStartOperation | A security session operation was started at the client. |
InvalidHexString | Invalid hexadecimal string format. |
SamlAttributeClaimResourceShouldBeAString | This SamlAttribute constructor requires that the resource of the claim is of type 'string'. |
SamlSigningTokenNotFound | The SamlAssertion is signed but the token that signed the SamlAssertion cannot be found. Ensure that the SecurityTokenResolver contains the token that signed the SamlAssertion. |
TraceCodeSecuritySpnToSidMappingFailure | The ServicePrincipalName could not be mapped to a SecurityIdentifier. |
UnableToCreateSignatureFormatterFromAsymmetricCrypto | Unable to create a signature formatter for the specified algorithm from the specified asymmetric crypto. |
TraceCodeSecurityServerSessionClosedFaultSent | The server security session sent a session closed fault to the client. |
UnableToFindPrefix | Unable to find the prefix for the specified visibly used prefix at the specified element. |
TraceCodeSecurityTokenAuthenticatorOpened | Security Token Authenticator was opened. |
RequiredAttributeMissing | The specified attribute is required on the specified element. |
LocalIdCannotBeEmpty | The localId cannot be empty. Specify a valid 'localId'. |
ValueMustBeInRange | The value of this argument must fall within the specified range. |
TraceCodeIssuanceTokenProviderBeginSecurityNegotiation | IssuanceTokenProvider started a new security negotiation. |
InvalidNtMapping | The specified X.509 certificate cannot be mapped to a Windows account. The UPN subject alternate name is required. |
AESCryptSetKeyParamFailed | Failed to set the specified key parameter. |
TraceCodeSecuritySessionClosedResponseReceived | The client security session received a closed response from the server. |
UnableToCreateSignatureDeformatterFromAsymmetricCrypto | Unable to create a signature deformatter for the specified algorithm from the specified asymmetric crypto. |
TraceCodeIdentityModelAsyncCallbackThrewException | An asynchronous callback threw an exception. |
LengthMustBeGreaterThanZero | The length of this argument must be greater than 0. |
FoundMultipleCerts | Found multiple X.509 certificates using the specified search criteria: StoreName, StoreLocation, FindType, FindValue. Provide a more specific find value. |
AtLeastOneTransformRequired | The Transforms element must contain at least one transform. |
SAMLTokenNotSerialized | The SamlAssertion could not be serialized to XML. Please see inner exception for details. |
TraceCodeSecurityBindingOutgoingMessageSecured | The security protocol secured the outgoing message. |
KeyIdentifierClauseDoesNotSupportKeyCreation | This SecurityKeyIdentifierClause does not support key creation. |
UnableToResolveTokenReference | The token resolver is unable to resolve the specified token reference. |
UnsupportedEncryptionAlgorithm | The specified encryption algorithm is not supported. |
SamlSerializerUnableToWriteSecurityKeyIdentifier | The SamlSerializer does not contain a SecurityTokenSerializer capable of serializing the given SecurityKeyIdentifier. If you are using a custom SecurityKeyIdentifier, you must provide a custom SecurityTokenSerializer. |
SAMLAttributeShouldHaveOneValue | No attribute values were found. A SamlAttribute attribute must have at least one attribute value. |
TraceCodeSecurityBindingVerifyIncomingMessageFailure | Security protocol cannot verify the incoming message. |
SamlSigningTokenMissing | The SamlAssertion passed to the SamlSecurityTokenAuthenticator does not contain a signing token. |
NoPrivateKeyAvailable | No private key is available. |
ValueMustBeOne | The value of this argument must be 1. |
TraceCodeSecurityPendingServerSessionRemoved | A pending security session was made active by the server. |
TraceCodeImportSecurityChannelBindingExit | Finished Security ImportChannelBinding. |
X509CertStoreLocationNotValid | The StoreLocation must be either LocalMachine or CurrentUser. |
SettingsMayBeModifiedOnlyWhenTheWriterIsInStartState | The writer settings may be modified only when the writer is in the Start state. |
ArgumentInvalidCertificate | The certificate is invalid. |
DigestVerificationFailedForReference | Digest verification failed for the specified Reference. |
SAMLAuthorityBindingRequiresBinding | The 'Binding' attribute specified on the SamlAuthorityBinding cannot be null or of length 0. |
AESInsufficientOutputBuffer | The output buffer must be greater than the specified bytes. |
SAMLAuthorityBindingMissingBindingOnRead | The 'Binding' attribute for the SamlAuthorityBinding being read is missing or of length 0. |
SAMLAuthorityBindingInvalidAuthorityKind | The SamlAuthorityBinding being read has an invalid AuthorityKind. The format of the AuthorityKind must be a QName. |
ProvidedNetworkCredentialsForKerberosHasInvalidUserName | The NetworkCredentials provided for the Kerberos Token does not have a valid UserName. |
SSPIPackageNotSupported | The specified SSPI package is not supported. |
TokenCancellationNotSupported | The specified token provider does not support token cancellation. |
UnboundPrefixInQName | An unbound prefix is used in the specified qualified name. |
SAMLAuthorizationDecisionResourceRequired | The 'resource' specified to the SamlAuthorizationDecisionStatement cannot be null or of length 0. |
TraceCodeSecurityNegotiationProcessingFailure | Service security negotiation processing failure. |
SAMLAssertionIssuerRequired | The 'Issuer' specified for a SamlAssertion cannot be null or empty. |
UnableToCreateHashAlgorithmFromAsymmetricCrypto | Unable to create a HashAlgorithm for the specified algorithm from the specified asymmetric crypto. |
SamlUnableToExtractSubjectKey | The SecurityKeyIdentifier that was found in the SamlSubject cannot be resolved to a SecurityToken. The SecurityTokenResolver must contain a SecurityToken that the SecurityKeyIdentifier resolves to. |
ChildNodeTypeMissing | The specified XML element does not have a child of the specified type. |
TraceCodeSecurityPendingServerSessionClosed | The pending security session was closed by the server. |
TraceCodeSecuritySessionCloseResponseSent | The server security session sent a Close response to the client. |
TraceCodeSecurityIdentityHostNameNormalizationFailure | The HostName portion of an endpoint address cannot be normalized. |
FailAcceptSecurityContext | The AcceptSecurityContext failed. |
EmptyXmlElementError | The specified element cannot be empty. |
PrefixNotDefinedForNamespace | A prefix for the specified namespace is not defined in this context and cannot be declared. |
SAMLAuthorizationDecisionHasMoreThanOneEvidence | The SamlAuthorizationDecisionStatement being read was found to contain more than one Evidence. This is not allowed. |
SamlTokenAuthenticatorCanOnlyProcessSamlTokens | The SamlSecurityTokenAuthenticator can only process SamlSecurityTokens. The specified SecurityTokenType was received . |
SAMLAttributeStatementMissingAttributeOnRead | The SamlAttributeStatement being read does not contain any 'SamlAttribute' elements. This is not allowed. |
CouldNotFindNamespaceForPrefix | Cannot look up the namespace for the specified prefix. |
TraceCodeExportSecurityChannelBindingExit | Finished Security ExportChannelBinding. |
AESCryptDecryptFailed | Failed to decrypt the specified data. |
SAMLAttributeNamespaceAttributeRequired | The 'Namespace' specified for a SamlAttribute cannot be null or of length 0. |
TraceCodeSpnegoServiceNegotiationCompleted | SpnegoTokenAuthenticator completed SSPI negotiation. |
TraceCodeSecurityServerSessionRenewalFaultSent | The server security session sent a key renewal fault to the client. |
AlgorithmMismatchForTransform | A mismatch occurred on the algorithm for the transform. |
UserNameAuthenticationFailed | Authentication of a username/password using the specified mechanism failed. User is not authenticated. |
SamlInvalidSigningToken | The SamlAssertion has been signed with a token that was not validated according to the protocol. If you are using X.509 certificates, examine your validation semantics. |
TraceCodeSecurityServerSessionKeyUpdated | The security session key was updated by the server. |
TraceCodeSecurityServerSessionCloseReceived | The server security session received a Close message from the client. |
SAMLAuthenticationStatementMissingSubject | The SamlAuthenticationStatement is missing the required SamlSubjectStatement. |
UnexpectedEndOfFile | Unexpected end of file. |
UnsupportedAlgorithmForCryptoOperation | The specified algorithm is not supported for the specified operation. |
XmlLangAttributeMissing | The required xml:lang attribute is missing. |
TraceCodeSecurityImpersonationSuccess | Security Impersonation succeeded at the server. |
SAMLAuthorityBindingMissingLocationOnRead | The 'Location' attribute for the SamlAuthorityBinding being read is missing or of length 0. |
SAMLAttributeStatementMissingSubjectOnRead | The 'SamlSubject' element for the SamlAttributeStatement is missing. |
SAMLAuthorizationDecisionStatementMissingSubjectOnRead | The 'SamlSubject' element for SamlAuthorizationDecisionStatement being read is missing. |
SAMLBadSchema | While reading a SamlAssertion this specified element was found not to comply with the schema. |
SAMLAssertionIDIsInvalid | The specified 'assertionId' for a SamlAssertion must start with a letter or '_'. |
TraceCodeSecurityActiveServerSessionRemoved | An active security session was removed by the server. |
UnableToCreateKeyedHashAlgorithmFromSymmetricCrypto | Unable to create a keyedHashAlgorithm for the specified algorithm from the specified symmetric crypto. |
SAMLAuthenticationStatementMissingAuthenticationMethod | The 'AuthenticationMethod' specified for a SamlAuthenticationStatement cannot be null or of length 0. |
TraceCodeSecurityImpersonationFailure | Security impersonation failed at the server. |
Default | (Default) |
UnsupportedNodeTypeInReader | The specified node type with the specified name is not supported. |