

WriteableMetadataUpdateMode Enumeration

[Supported in the .NET Framework 4.5.2 and later versions]

Provides values that specify whether in-memory updates to metadata are visible to a debugger.


typedef enum WriteableMetadataUpdateMode {
} WriteableMetadataUpdateMode;


Member name Description
LegacyCompatPolicy Maintain compatibility with previous versions of the .NET Framework when making in-memory updates to metadata visible. See the Remarks section for more information.
AlwaysShowUpdates Make in-memory updates to metadata visible to the debugger.


A member of the WriteableMetadataUpdateMode enumeration can be passed to the SetWriteableMetadataUpdateMode method to control whether in-memory updates to metadata in the target process are visible to the debugger.

The LegacyCompatPolicy option enforces the same behavior as in versions of the .NET Framework before 4.5.2. This often means that metadata from updates is not visible. However, calls to a number of debugging methods implicitly coerce the debugger to make updates visible. For example, if the debugger passes ICorDebugILFrame::GetLocalVariable the index of a variable not found in the method's original metadata, all metadata for the module is updated to a snapshot matching the current state of the process. In other words, with the LegacyCompatPolicy option, the debugger might see none, some, or all of the available metadata updates, depending on how it uses other parts of the unmanaged debugging API.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: CorDebug.idl, CorDebug.h

Library: CorGuids.lib

.NET Framework Versions: Available since 4.5.2

See also